I found this on my friend's Facebook page and loved it.
Every day I do become more and more like my mother and I couldn't be prouder.
Have you met my mom? She's a rock star. Everyone loves her.
Speaking of motherhood - get this.
My office sends around an e-mail each time an attorney is joining or leaving the firm. When someone leaves, their last day and reason for leaving are included in the e-mail. Usually an attorney leaves to pursue another position at a firm or start their own business or take a position for the government. Bottom line is there are lots of changes and lots of reasons for leaving.
But, last week a unique departure notification was sent around the office about a female attorney. It stated:
"[Attorney's name here] will be leaving the office this Friday. She will be staying at home with her family."
Wait. Did I read that correctly? I quickly jumped to our biography section to read more about this attorney. She graduated from Georgetown with her undergrad and received her law degree in California. She worked at our firm for about 5 years. I'm always amazed at women who decide to give their full time and attention to raising children. {Like my mom!!} I wanted to tell this attorney that I admired her for leaving her full time law position to be with her family. I immediately drafted an e-mail to send her and then had an internal debate if it was crossing the line of getting to involved with someone's personal life who I didn't even know. After a little while I decided just to send her a friendly "well wishes" e-mail in her next position as a full time mother! I let her know how grateful I was for my mom and the fun memories I have of her being at home to teach me valuable life lessons. My new friend quickly wrote back and thanked me for the e-mail. She said it was very much appreciated and that she was very excited to be able to stay at home with her girls.
I know that there are family circumstances where women have to work. I know that their are mothers that would do anything to be at home with their kids. I'm not making any judgments Honestly, I hope that our future kids have great teachers that inspire them to love learning while they're at school. When I read the e-mail from my new friend, I just felt extra grateful for my dad who worked hard so my mom could be at home. I love my parents so much. And good news! They'll be out here next weekend for a visit.
xo xo xo xo