Besides our baby getting bigger and bigger every second of every day, it's been a pretty eventful month.
No really, I'm serious.
On August 27, Aaron re-injured his meniscus in his left knee. Our original plan of being in Texas until December quickly changed when we were sent back to Maryland so Aaron could have surgery and recover. We were grateful we made it back to the east coast and Aaron could have surgery right away. When Eli and I saw Aaron after his surgery, Eli looked so concerned. The nurses kept reassuring him (and me!) that Aaron would be okay.
With Aaron on bed rest for a few weeks and then on crutches, I sure felt like a little nurse taking care of my two babies! (I also was reminded how grateful I am for good health and our physical bodies.)
With Aaron resting on a bench at the park, Eli and I decided to try the swing for the first time. This cute park even had a little farm we could walk around!
Once everything settled down, our family was able to enjoy a few fun days together before Aaron went back to work. Since we're still enjoying lovely weather, we decided to visit the zoo. (Also, we're on this kick of finding fun things to do for free - or almost free. And, with most of the tourists not around this time of year, we decided we want to visit as many Smithsonians as possible!)
Our trip to the zoo:
Last Saturday our church participated in the Maryland Day to Serve.
So many potatoes.
So many volunteers!
I'm kind of in love with finding good deals on clothes for my baby.
Like this little suit for church.
And finally, on Monday we went to the Aquarium.
We all loved it!
I decided I want to be a dolphin trainer.
Oh, and one more thing - we've also been visiting the library weekly.
Aaron decided this book was a must for Eli.
Yep, you read it correctly - "The Beginner's Guide to Running Away from Home."
(He also checked out, "The Day the Babies Crawled Away.")
Aaron went back to work today. We miss him. I feel bad that he had to have surgery and be sent back from training - but, I've loved spending so much time together.
It's almost the weekend! Enjoy!