Tuesday, May 26, 2015

What happened last week

For FHE last week, I pulled these left over Valentine Day cookies out of the freezer and we decorated them for our activity. Eli dumped the entire container of sprinkles on his cookie and he was oh so happy.

On Wednesday, Alex and her little ones came down to go to Focus on the Family with us! Sadly I didn't get a group pic.

Thursday after dinner we were all craving sweets so I made a batch of cameral popcorn and it brought back so many childhood memories of eating it together with my family on a Sunday evening!

Friday we attended Lincoln's preschool graduation! The best thing about living close to family is being able to celebrate the simple things of life together!

Friday afternoon we attended a High School graduation luncheon for Aaron's cousin! I love party hopping. Friday night Aaron and I went on a group date with couples in our ward to Texas Roadhouse. We loved getting to know the couples better in our ward! Why did I forget to take a picture?!

Saturday we enjoyed lunch with Aaron's grandparents - Grandpa Child and Grandma Liz. They came bearing gifts for the boys and they were thrilled! 

Once again, our Saturday evening entertainment was visiting Base Pro!

Sunday is our favorite day of the week because we love attending church together!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Phone pics

Today as I vacuumed our house, I was trying to think what happened last week. As I scrolled through my phone pics just now, I realized a lot happened! 

Little guy is full of smiles! 

Tuesday - Both boys has their checkups - 2 years for Eli and 2 months for Austin. Austin weighs 14.4lbs!!! He looks like he's 4 months old! The Dr. called him "solid."

2 month shots call for lots of cuddles! 

Wednesday - We went to "Music and Movement" at the library for the first time and Eli LOVED the parachute!! This was his first time playing with one. 

The weather has been rainy here, but then the sun has been making an appearance later on in the day. Check out this double rainbow!! We were running some errands and I spotted it out my window and smiled! I feel like it's been years since I've seen a rainbow and this was my first time seeing a double rainbow from beginning to end! Photo credit: Aaron. 

Thursday - Eli and I planted these flowers and it's my goal to keep them alive all summer. Aaron keeps asking me what color my thumb is. I'll show him! ;)

Well, Austin was asleep until Eli went to check on him. 

I haven't figured out who left a plate of cookies on our doorstep with his sweet note. It made my day so thank you whoever you are!! (Don't mind the crinkled note. Aaron stepped on the plate on his way out the door. Ha!)

We're so glad when daddy comes home! This is a nightly ritual. 

Poor Eli hit his head on the floorboard as he tripped heading to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He bawled until Aaron asked if he wanted a CARS bandaid. It was magical because he instantly stopped crying! As he said his evening prayers, he said he was grateful for, "CARS band aids!" He looked so cute waking up in the morning with it on. ;)

Friday - the boys and I attended a class at the church about gardening in Colorado, which I loved, and then Friday evening we went to dinner at Costa Vida and then introduced Austin to Bass Pro Shops! 

Saturday morning Aaron ran in a 5K with local police officers in the area in honor of police week. Not only did he run, but he pushed a little girl with disabilities. We loved cheering him on! Go daddy go! 

Look at the mountains!! We love Colorado. So much we never want to leave. We spent the rest of Saturday coming up with as many options as possible that will allow us to stay here forever. 

Saturday evening we had a BBQ with friends and I made strawberry cupcakes that everyone was raving about and they were just made from a box!!! 

On Sunday I was asked to give a talk in church about, "Peace the gospel brings in our lives." I loved spending the last two weeks thinking about the topic and being reminded how blessed we are to have lasting peace the gospel brings to each of us. Aaron sat with Eli and Austin in the congregation and after church, more people complimented me on how well Aaron did with both boys than they did my talk! It made me smile because I knew Aaron would handle them both like a pro! 

After church we ran up to Denver to celebrate Lincoln's 5th birthday! How did I not get a pic of the birthday boy?!?

Alex makes professional cakes! Start a bakery already, Alex! 

And now it's Monday and I look forward to seeing what fun we'll have this week! 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Last week + Mother's Day 2015

I take so many pictures on my phone that I figure I'll blog each week with the pictures I've snapped through the week... starting with FHE last Monday. Eli requested that we wear birthday hats. Aaron taught the lesson about the priesthood and to be honest, it was hard for me to focus when he looked like this...

I love sleeping babies. So peaceful. I still stare at him in awe.

As I was cooking dinner last week, I had these two little ones as kitchen helpers. I looked down and noticed Eli was playing, "This little piggy, " with Austin's toes. Of course when I grabbed my phone and told Eli I was going to take a picture, he proceeded to pounce on Austin. The second picture is totally staged. 

The two month mark is so magical when babies start to smile (and sleep a lot better!!).
 And just look at Austin's dimples!!!

The weather has been weird this week and when we went to the library just 10 miles south of our house for story time, we were greeted with snow?! Eli asked to wear his hat and good thing I still had it in the car because it was the only thing to keep him warm!

Our weekend was quite and family packed. I made pizza on Friday night for dinner and then dad treated us to frozen yogurt!

With a house full of boys, I feel spoiled every day, and Mother's Day was no exception. 
Aaron made Swedish pancakes for breakfast and then gave me two gifts - new tennis rackets and a necklace with Eli and Austin's name on it. After church, Aaron made these perfectly delicious cinnamon rolls.

So grateful these boys have made me a mother!! When Aaron wished me a happy Mother's Day the second we woke up, I told him it wouldn't be possible for me to be a mother without him! Love these boys!


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Two months!

Our little dude is 2 months old already! I know when the boys get older they'll probably hate photo shoots so I love to take as many pictures as possible right now. :) My friend gave me these birth month stickers and it's been fun to pull them out each time it's time for pictures!

Milk tongue. :) 

Brotherly love. Of course when I started taking pictures of Austin, Eli wanted in on the fun too. ;) 

I love this age because baby smiles are my favorite.

Each day is an adventure with two little ones - most of the time I feel exhausted, but each night as I go to bed, I smile and feel so grateful for this special time of cuddling, nursing and holding my babies tight. 

Austin's Baby Blessing

Austin was blessed on Sunday and I'm grateful for Aaron's worthiness to bless him.

Thanks to our family for joining us on this special day! 

Baby Mila was blessed too and we loved being there! 

Two sacrament meetings in one day is exhausting!

I kiss his cheeks all day!