Saturday, October 24, 2015

A Kansas Trip

Aaron had Columbus Day off and we spent the day cleaning and working on house projects. On Tuesday I taught preschool and then we jumped in the car and headed to Denver to get my mom and drive to Kansas. Aaron had a camping trip with the scouts so the boys and I squeezed in a Kansas trip before the holidays.

We actually spent most of the week organizing and cleaning out my old room and the boys were good sports. Oh, and Eli drove the gator for hours each day. We worked harder than this picture looks. Ha ha.. But it is relaxing to be home.

We did enjoy an evening at the Dillon Nature Center. It's beautiful! 

This was Austin's 3 trip to Kansas in 7 months. I think he likes it!

When my mom took Eli to the shed, he said, "I remember this!"
And Austin loved giving Papa hugs.

Put "See a Kansas Sunset" on your life bucket list if you've never seen one.

On our way home, we stopped for lunch and Eli thought he was soooo funny making this table topper into a hat.

We arrived home to a note from "Dadosaurus Rex."

And just because this made me laugh... Aaron made a "selfie stick" and sent me this pic from their camp out.

Thanks Grandma Donna and Papa Joe for a great visit!

A family day

When Eli is at preschool (and it's not my turn to teach), Austin and I enjoy some one on one time - like taking trips to Wal-mart. ;) Look at him sitting in the cart like a grown boy!!

Last month, I returned home from my mission 7 years ago. SEVEN YEARS! My goal for the month of September was to make a book of all my pictures and I finished on Sept. 30. Just in time! I mis-placed some pictures during our move so I was thankful to my friends that e-mailed me some so I could finish my project. I loved how it turned out!

Fall is my favorite time of the year except for when the Academy has home football games on Saturday so we don't get to hang out with Aaron. Two weeks ago, we squeezed in some family time in between a home football game and Aaron doing homework. 

Friday night we took a quick trip to Bass Pro and Eli asked for a pic by the big brown bear.

Saturday morning we went to a fall festival just a few miles from our house before Aaron had to leave for the game. 

I always love time with my boys.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Finally caught up!

Is it obvious yet that Aaron's been working like crazy this week so I've made it a point to update my blog so I don't get lonely?!

I have a picture of Eli reading a book like this so when I looked over and saw Austin holding the book like this too, I had a flashback and instantly snapped a picture.

When Aaron got home from Hawaii, the boys attacked him...

...while I attacked these.

We had a cousin sleepover a few weekends ago with Lincoln and Dallas. I cried a couple times as I looked out the kitchen window and saw these three running around together. Whenever we move from Colorado, leaving the Davis fam will be the hardest part about leaving. We painted pumpkins, made personal pan pizzas, watched movies, read books, played outside, and created the best memories.

The weather was extra warm a few Mondays ago, so we quickly ate dinner and ran to Seven Falls for a family hike. It's beautiful! Eli still says, "I like family hikes." 


Eli is his father's son. Lately, each night as we put him to bed he says, "May I have the light on for a few minutes?" He loves books. When I walked into his room a few nights ago, I heard him pretend reading to himself so naturally I took a pic.

Here's a sneak peak of our family Halloween costume. The Lion. I think he likes his costume. ;)

The last day of September, Aaron had a work deadline and was waiting for a few phone calls before he could leave. The best part about living 5 minutes from his work was that we were able to deliver him dinner that night. Eli was intrigued by his work phone. (Aaron didn't get home until !2:30 a.m that night!)

In preparation for General Conference, we decided to have a temple walk with Alex and her kids. It was a gorgeous Colorado day and we loved being at the temple as a family.

Isn't it such a blessing to be able to watch conference from our home? 

Here are a few things I jotted down!

Things of eternal significance are rarely easy.

It's never too early or never too late to lead guide, or walk beside our children.

True disciples desire to inspire the hearts of men, just not impress them.

Whatever the spirit prompts you to do, do it.

The Holy Ghost also tells us our strengths; it is our duty to be better today than we were yesterday.

After prayer, ask yourself, "What area of my life do I want to strengthen so I can serve others?"

Put God first in all things, even your trials.

Aaron's phone

I remembered these pics that were on Aaron's phone and I wanted to share these great memories!

Austin eating cereal for the first time in August. He loved it!

One of our favorite family home evening activities last month was playing tennis together. Eli chased the balls while Austin giggled. Aaron did beat me and was proud of himself because I beat him the last time we played. ;)

There was a playgroup nearby so after a game of tennis, we headed for the park. We all look forward to Monday evenings when we share a spiritual message, enjoy an activity together and devour a treat. Life is hectic so keeping our calendars clear for family time makes us all smile like this...

(Notice his little bandaids on his legs from his 6 months shots earlier that day? He was still smiling!!) 


I was THIS close to going to Hawaii with Aaron last month, but decided I'd rather take a vacation with Aaron instead of vacationing on the beach alone while he attended a conference. He was asked to translate a conference into Thai for several military personal that were visiting from Thailand. 

He had a great time and sent us lots of pics. I asked him to send us some pictures with him in them so the boys could see him. Next time I'll just buy him a selfie stick. ;)

The view from his hotel room...

The LDS chapel where he attended church on Sunday...

Luckily he had a few free days before the conference started to be a tourist!

Can't wait to visit Hawaii someday soon, hopefully, WITH Aaron! :)