Monday, June 20, 2016

Preschool Graduation - May

Last month I planned a little graduation party for Eli's preschool class. Last year when I sent an e-mail to our church friends asking if anyone was interested in participating, I felt like I was being a little too ambitious because Eli was 2 1/2, but it turned out great and the littles learned so much. My favorite part was watching them grow up over the course of 9 months. 

We were sad Logan was sick! 
The graduation caps were a must. 
I found a simple pattern on Pinterest and loved how they turned out.

Congrats, Grad! Eli loves to sing his ABCs, "read" books, work on his homework book and talk about going to Kindergarten. Whenever I tell him that makes me sad, he always replies, "Mom, I'll come back!"

Surprise party

I don't like surprises for myself, but I LOVE them for other people! Months ago, I was hanging out with Tiffany and we dreamed of having a reunion with our Chicago friends. Tiff's sister, Kim, was planning on coming to Denver for Tiff's birthday in June, so I e-mailed Kim and asked what she thought of a surprise birthday party weekend for Tiff with as many friends that could come. It all worked out and it was the best surprise girls' weekend ever!

Friday night we all met at the airport waiting for Tiff to pick up Kim.

She cried when she saw us all!!


We partied all night and crashed at 3:00 a.m.

First stop - Denver Biscuit Company for brunch. Soooo good.



Next stop: Mani/Pedi



Next Stop: Anthropology



And final stop: Dinner at Harman's. 


Cute little tacos.


Birthday wishes!


Love these friends! And loved reminiscing and being reminded that as we trust in Heavenly Father, his perfect plan will work out for each of us.



Our week

Austin copies everything Eli does and it's pretty adorable. He looks so big in the big boy swing these days.


I know technology has brought a lot of crud into our world, but I'm sure grateful for the advances in technology that allow us to "see" Aaron as much as possible. Poor Austin is convinced Aaron lives in my phone and runs away with my phone whenever it's his turn to facetime. Aaron comes back tomorrow!!!


This particular day, Austin didn't nap long so we enjoyed a popsicle on the porch while Eli slept. He suddenly looked so grown up! One of his favorite words to say these days is baby - which makes me laugh because I still think he is a baby! 


Last week we were still battling coughs and snotty noses. Here's proof!


And on Friday, Alex cut my hair!! She's the best. 


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Our backyard

Alex and Bryan and their friends hiked the Incline a few weeks ago and I babysat all the kids - I want 10 kids!!!


We love our backyard. Last summer I didn't want to wish away Austin's newborn stage, but I knew these two would LOVE playing with each other! And they sure do!


Best parenting book I've read. Read it!


We got a BOGO coupon for frozen yogurt so this was a must! And we ate it before lunch.


Eli told me that a Lamanite was in his room so he came and slept with me. He cracks me up! Maybe he is getting something out of our daily scripture study?!


Daily Eli asks if we can do science experiments. Science wasn't my favorite or best subject in school, but I'm starting to like it! A tower out of spaghetti noodles and mini-marshmallows. 


And it was a happy surprise to have a USAFA cookie in the kids' meals at Kneaders. ;)


Being sick

We've had colds the last week and it's been exhausting and miserable for all of us! 
Summer colds seem worse than winter colds. 


Eli was proud of his book train. 


I'm doing a 40 day health challenge and this was my lunch. Delicious! 


Tara and her girls were driving through Colorado and stayed the night with us! After they left, Taylor and Sean met up with us for lunch as they headed to Denver. We were all friends in Maryland and it was the best being together for a short time. I love my Colorado friends, but there is something extra special about military friends - they just completely understand the emotion of the military and are so supportive. Thanks for stopping by, friends!!! 


Stake conference

Sunday was Stake Conference where I spent a majority of the time in the hallway with Austin. After it was over, one of my friends said, "Some Sundays are just about creating habits, right?" I agreed. As we got in the car and drove away, I cried and thought to myself that it would have been easier to stay home! BUT, that thought was quickly replaced with a feeling of gratitude for my parents and grandparents that went to church even when it wasn't easy. My parents always made Stake Conference a priority and we lived an hour from the Stake Center. I remember my grandpa going to church each week in his 90s and he was in a wheelchair! My Grandma Pav is in the Stake Relief Society and she serves faithfully. 

Now I'm doing my best to make sure these boys know that Stake Conference should be a priority - even when it seems hard, no, especially when it's hard! If we want to know what God has to tell us, we have to go where we know we'll learn from Him - and I know that includes Stake Conference! :)



Last Saturday was military appreciation day at the circus! We were given free tickets, free parking and free food vouchers. I was pleasantly surprised that the boys did so well. As soon as Austin would start to get antsy, the act would change so it held their attention a lot better than I thought it would. In fact, during the last 15 minutes, Austin fell asleep on me as he was memorized with the trampoline jumpers. I can't even get him to fall asleep at church anymore! 

There were only tigers, camels and poodles in the show - and then I looked at the tickets and realized it was circus xtreme. 

Since we didn't have to pay anything, I told the boys I would buy them either a light-up toy or cotton candy. The cheapest light-up toy was $20 and cotton candy was $14!!! Total ripoff, right?! I told them we'd save the money for their college accounts and they each got a box of candy. ;)

You wouldn't know it from this picture, but Eli wants to be a clown for Halloween. 



Thursday, June 9, 2016

National Parks Tour

Who needs Disneyland with there are National Parks to explore?! Kidding. Kind of. I still want to plan a trip to Disneyland, maybe next year, but after spending time hiking and exploring the National Parks that are driving distance from my parents, I'm convienced National Parks are waaay better than Disneyland. (And cheaper. A lot cheaper! Military get in free to National Parks!)

First stop: Arches National Park in Moab. We only made it to the top because Steele carried Austin and my parents took turns helping with Eli. The delicate arch was beautiful! 

We also visit the Canyonlands! Two National Parks in one day! Loved it!


National Parks Tour Part II

The second part of our National Parks tour included The Colorado Monument. My favorite picture is my mom with the boys overlooking Independent Rock. I'm a big believer is spending time outside and my boys are happiest doing so.

We also spent one day visiting my cousin Megan and then drove to see The Black Canyons. Truly breathtaking. We drove to the bottom of the canyon to see the river and although driving it was terrifying, I was glad we took the extra time to drive down. I was more comfortable driving up the steep road and realized that in life, if I just coasted down a hill the whole time, I'd be worried the  about falling off the edge. By gradually climbing up hill, I felt more in control of the situation - I heard a quote recently that if you feel like you're moving up hill, you're living life right! It's suppose to be work! It truly is a beautiful world we live in and I felt so much love from Heavenly Father as I admired the world in which he has given us.