Eleanor's favorite place to hide these days is the cabinets under the bathroom sink. She fits perfectly inside and knocks on the door from the inside. Yesterday when I gave her breakfast, she said, "Thanks so much, Mom!" It made me smile so big.
Since I didn't have a lot of pictures last week, I was determined to take more this week. The warm weather called for tree climbing, if I can call it that since I lifted the boys into the tree for a picture haha.
Tuesday before gymnastics we went to the library. I laughed out loud when I looked over and discovered Eleanor with the headphones on at the computer desk.
Austy loves gymnastics and I sure love watching him improve each class! It's a great sport for him. I'm impressed with Austin's ability to stay focused even when other kids in the class are struggling to listen. He's determined to do his best and tries again when he fails. He'll be successful in life as he continues to portray these characteristics!
We stopped by the park and these two stuck out their hands in the crawl tunnel. They're the cutest playmates. Eleanor sure will be lost without him next year.
Wednesday was Zoo day for playgroup. The weather was lovely and we all enjoyed exploring new parts of the zoo we didn't get to see the last time we went. Eleanor was so excited to see all the animals. I realized she hasn't been to the zoo as much as the boys were when they were her age. I had a pass in Colorado so we went often. It was fun to see her wave to all the animals!
Cute church friends.
I took a zoo survey and got $5 zoo bucks so we used it ride the carousel. We were all happy!
Walmart stop. This happened to be in the isle and Austin was couldn't resist hoping on. I couldn't resist taking a picture and dreaming about how fun this would be for them to get for Christmas and to ride it out on Duane and LeeAnn's property in the country. Not this year but maybe someday!
Thursday was Thanksgiving lunch so we joined Eli for lunch!! Austin loved carrying the tray and I told him he looks so ready for school. Eleanor was excited to see Eli and we all gave him big hugs.
Friday at the bus stop, a friend brought her puppy over to meet all the kids. Eleanor couldn't stop giggling. This cute puppy brightened all of our day!
Friday was more time spent with friends as we went to Science City at Union Station. We have a pass and have enjoyed visiting often.
And our Saturday was spent cleaning every second of the whole day. I haven't cleaned my kitchen floor for weeks and it was beyond disgusting. I enjoy cleaning anyway, but it's always more fun to work hard knowing we have family that will be arriving soon. I also made several trips to Wal-mart and Target to get food and lightbulbs in preparation for the weekend.
Everyone jumped for joy when Grandma and Grandpa Volk arrived!!
Sunday morning the kids helped me get everything ready for Aaron's Birthday!! He turned 32 and we loved celebrating him with Cream Soda, Nachos, balloons, and a bon-fire with hotdogs and s'mores.
We love Aaron because he makes it a priority to love each of us with our individual love language. He is calm and quick to teach the children how to be responsible and contribute to the overall wellbeing of our home. You'll often hear him say "In our family we..." and the kids react so well to that.
He loves his job and is happy at work, which has definitely improved the happiness in our home life. He is efficient and determined to do his best work in whatever he does (which I really do love about him, even though it drives me crazy when it comes to household projects. I just want him to get it done quickly, and his style is to take a longer time and do his best the first time.) It was fun to have his parents here to celebrate Aaron all day. Happy Birthday, babe!
And now we're preparing for Thanksgiving 2019!