Austin hopped off the bus this week and was excited to show me that he lost his first tooth!!
Eli lost his first tooth at school last year so I guess school is the magical place for my kids to loose their first tooth.
I could see his other tooth popping up and he wanted to see it too so I zoomed in for this picture to show it to him.
On Wednesday evening the youth carved pumpkins. We have a small group of YW, only 5, but I enjoy my calling and meeting together when we can.
Eleanor is obsessed with all art projects. She does a great job entertaining herself throughout the day.
Thursday the boys got out of school early and Austin and I ran to the Dr.'s office where he got his cast off! His right hand is now freeeeeeeee.
Friday the best day. The boys didn't have school. We all slept in and then went to the park to play. It was freezing, but we bundled up and had fun running around the football field and playing soccer with friends from church. Then we went to Barnes and Noble. We miss the library so much so it's fun to explore Barnes and Noble. Aaron and I had parent/teacher conferences with the boys' teachers on Monday evening and the boys are doing so well at school. Eli's teacher said he's eager to raise his hand and answer questions. He is right on track with reading and math and is excited to be at school. Austin's teacher said he is a leader in the classroom and almost knows all the kindergarten sight words! He is a good listener and his friends "wish him well" each morning as he works hard to do his best while using his left hand while he has had his cast on. We're so grateful our boys are able to be in school in person right now, even while wearing a mask all day. Because the boys' teachers gave them great reviews, I let them each pick out a book at Barnes and Noble.
Friday evening we prepared for the ward Trunk-or-Treat. Eleanor was excited to wear his bee costume that I bought for a few dollars last year after Halloween.
Aaron was a good sport and removed all the carseats so we could cram in this giant balloon arch and drive it over to the church to decorate our trunk. We had to take two cars, but it was worth it because our car ended up winning for best trunk! We've never won for best trunk. Everyone was impressed with all the balloons and I made sure to tell them that thanks to a thoughtful neighbor who gifted us this balloon arch, we didn't have to do much prep for the contest. :)
Saturday was filled with painting and house chores. I love these beautiful tree in our front yard that we can see from our upstairs window. I especially love it when the red fall colors appear!
Today we had a great day worshipping together at church. The talks were on prayer, one of my favorite subjects of all time and I teared up during the closing song - Secret Prayer. It's my favorite hymn in the Spanish hymn book and I reflected on how the members of Argentina would sing the song with so much excitement!
The pandemic numbers have spiked a bit the last few weeks and I realize that our Sunday worship as a ward family may change at any moment. We're grateful we're able to make it to church while we can.
This week we also hit ONE MORE MONTH until our little baby girl is here. We're all getting more excited each passing day to meet her!!