Saturday, July 10, 2021

Independence Day!

 The Bullocks came for the 4th of July and we loved having them! We toured Liberty Jail, ate Joe's BBQ, swam, went to church together and enjoyed tons of fireworks. 

Aaron had the idea to read the Declaration of Independence and invite anyone in the neighborhood to join us. Our friends that Davis's came and brought all their family too. I got emotional as Aaron reminded us what the Declaration of Independence says. He then offered a prayer expressing gratitude to Heavenly Father for this beautiful country we live in. He asked that we can have strength to all do our part to stand for truth and defend the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.    

Her FIRST 4th of July! 

Sure love having a twin sister and spending time with her and her cute family!!

It's always sad to say goodbye. When will we see them again?!?

Everyone was exhausted - we drove up to Grammy and Grandpa Volk's house for a small town parade. The kids cheered when every participant in the parade tossed out candy.

We love America and Aaron's taught us so much about the blessings that come from living in this country! 

Snapshots of summer

Oh we love summer time so much. We packed the two kayaks in the car for our first lake trip. We played and laughed and got covered in sand. Our lake trip was followed by frozen custard and everyone was happy. 

I loved when Eleanor wore these pjs and matched her crib mattress. Now it's Adelaide turn and she looks so pretty covered in flowers!

We're grateful that the new children's museum offers a free entry for military during the summer months! It was our first time visiting the museum and there was so much to explore. We were thrilled to find out that on the last Friday of the month, fresh free donuts were given to guests.

7 months and feeling so grown up as she practices sitting up!

The girls both wore their AF shorts and as they sat on Aaron's lap, I snapped a picture of their happy faces. It's a highlight of the day when Aaron returns home from work! 

Family Pictures 2021

Mary Beth worked her magic again and snapped some family pictures for us when we had our reunion. I'm always so grateful that she shares her picture taking talents with us. She really does take the stress of family pictures away. 

They make me so incredibly happy. Daily I thank Heavenly Father in my prayers for my family and that we get to be together forever.