Monday, November 15, 2021

Fall Colors

The beautiful fall leafs are everywhere! We've enjoyed some warm fall days. The kids play outside for hours each day. We need to rake up all the leafs in our yard.  

Adelaide and Eleanor played in the leaf pile after music class. Adelaide didn't know how to handle the leafs at first and then she loved crunching them in her hands and mouth. 

On Friday evening, I went with my neighbor Erin to get our nails done! This was my first time getting a powered dip manicure. It cost a lot more than I thought it would. I love having my nails done, but this was one of the first things I gave up when Aaron and I got married and I quit working. I can either pay money to get my nails done or buy diapers haha. 

I didn't take a lot of pictures this week because I've had my nose in a book. I'm borrowing a book from my friend that I'm trying to finish so I can return it to her - it's called "Wife for Life." This quote made me stop and ponder again and again:

"You don't marry one person; you marry three: the person you think they are, the person they are, and the person they are going to become as a results of being married to you." Richard Needham, British politician.

I want my kids to understand that as they're looking for a spouse. I'm so grateful for the way Aaron cherishes me and our marry. He's taught me so much about being on the same team and supporting each other. 

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Zoo Trip

Austin lost his front tooth! 

Eli wrote an incredible essay for school. I don't necessarily remember shouting at Aaron for spending $200 on fireworks though. 

We ran a quick errand to pick up a Christmas gift at the Army post in KS. The brick buildings and fall leaves were so beautiful! Adelaide feels so big pulling herself up and standing up!

The girls looked so cute as we went grocery shopping. It's fun having these two together at home during the day. 

The weather was so nice yesterday and we had a free pass to the zoo so we all went together! Aaron hasn't been before so we were excited to show him all the animals. 

Sunday found us worshipping together at church, meeting with the bishop for tithing settlement, reciting the Living Christ and preparing for a new week. 


Monday, November 1, 2021

Finishing up October

Adelaide loves when the boys come home each day. Here she was giving Austin a leg hug. 
Big news! Our little baby is getting new glasses in a few weeks. We spent hours at the eye dr and she needs them right now. We're so grateful for Eli's kindergarten teacher who insisted on us taking Eli to get his eyes check by a pediatric eye dr because the he was having difficultly reading. Now that we know Eli and Austin need glasses, the eye dr suggested we have our girls' eyes checked too. Eleanor is fine, but little Adelaide will need glasses. She looks so cute! I hope she'll be able to keep them on. 

Eleanor apparently got ahold of my phone and took some pictures of me last week as I was working away on my computer. 

Halloween 2021
We had fun at the ward trunk or treat. 

Eleanor - a unicorn
Adelaide - a lion
Eli - Harry Potter
Austin - A power ranger

On Friday, the boys had class parties so the girls and I decided to have a lunch date. 

Little babies holding little pumpkins is one of my favorite fall sights. 

Eli was invited to a birthday party at a rollerskating rink. He got better and better at skating as the minutes went on. 

Halloween fell on a Sunday this year and we talked as a family about what we should do to keep the day a holy day. One idea was spending the afternoon at Grammy and Grandpa's house. After church, we drove up to their property and had a lovely dinner followed by trick or treating at every door of their house. The kids said it was the best Halloween ever. I told them that they'll never forget spending Halloween that fell on a Sunday with their grandparents. 

She looked so cute crawling all over the floor in her lady bug costume. 

Eleanor's new nursery teachers asked that we send in a picture of Eleanor with her on Sunday. I forgot about this picture that was taken of her at the temple 5K by the photographer. She's a happy little girl that spends her days pretending and singing and dancing. She'll be a sunbeam in a few months and she's excited to be in Jr. primary with Austin!