Sunday, May 23, 2010

Serving Saturday

As I was heading out of the office Friday afternoon, my co-worker Wambaire approached my cubical with a question.

"What are your plans Saturday morning?" she asked.

My only plan was to lay out at the beach all day and work on my tan.

"I just got an e-mail from the Rotary club and people are getting together from 9-11 a.m. to prepare meals for the homeless. Wanna come?"

I quickly jotted down the address on a sticky note and grabbed my bags to run to the train. I thought - what influences people to reach out and serve others, especially on a Saturday morning?

The weather was gloomy most of Saturday so I didn't make it to the beach. But, I left the food pantry feeling inspired because of my new friends who were volunteering a couple of hours of their Saturday morning just because...


Mrs. B said...

Your coworker is super cute! Looks like you guys had fun serving!!! Miss you lots and lots!!!!!!

Bryan said...

Glad to know you're making a difference! Sleep in on a Saturday? People die in bed....

Matt and Angelica said...

I'm so proud of you! Amanda my friend! Why to go! Love you lot's.