Tuesday, June 1, 2010


There's no place like home - I'm from Kansas so I feel that it's only appropriate that I begin this post with that phrase!

I enjoyed a lovely Memorial Day weekend with my parents; they are so fun and energetic.

The highlights:




Dance Parties

Church - always fun to see the families from my home ward

Ice Cream

Biscuits and Gravy

Applebees - Virgin Frozen Margaritas

Laying out


Tractor ride



Trips to Wichita (I was suppose to fly out Monday night so I could go to work on Tuesday. When we got to the airport, my flight was canceled and rescheduled for Tuesday morning. I enjoyed an extra unplanned day at home! Thanks, United Airlines. Even though I had to call into work and use another vacation day, it was worth it.)

My mom and dad definitely spoiled me! I love them. And, I missed my siblings tons and can't wait to all be together later this summer. :)


Alex said...

I feel jealous...biscuits and gravy and frozen virgin margaritas....then the pedicure picture put me over the endge. Love Kansas. The wheat is looking good! :)

Mrs. B said...

I miss everything about Kansas. So excited to see baby Lincoln, Alex, Bryan, mom and dad TOMORROW! Maybe they will spoil me too this weekend! :)

Stefley said...

We were so glad to have you here also! Yay I found your blog!!