Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lovin' Kansas

Thanks to my generous friend who has connections to United buddy passes and was willing to share, I was able to spend a three day weekend at home with my fam.

Alex and baby Lincoln came too! So, Lincoln is now 5 months old and even though he lives with his parents in Denver and I'm in Chicago, I've seen him 4 times. I finally get it - how aunts can be obsessed with their nieces and nephews. I could write another post about that later.... T.B.C.

Some things you can't bring back in a suitcase...

Whenever I'm at home, I always come back feeling refreshed and uplifted. It was great catching up with friends and family and being reminded about all the great things Kansas taught me. (I'm purposely wearing a KU shirt. My mom sent it to me a few months ago!)


Mrs. B said...

love this!

Alex said...


Curtiss & Ginger said...

ohhhhhh I'm so happy you have a nephew!! I am soo obsessed with mine!! So nice that you were able to go home and spend time with them!! I love that pic of you and baby Lincoln! He is adorable! xoxo