Monday, December 13, 2010

So much happy on my birthday!

Ask me how old I am now.

What does that mean? I don't know. I've been asking everyone. I'm already excited to be this age and I had quite the birthday weekend celebration.

On Thursday, I saw WICKED for the first time. I loved it. My favorite line and new motto? Dancing through life.

On Friday, I walked into work to this surprise from my co-workers. They decorated my cubical and brought lots of yummy snacks to munch on throughout the day.

On Saturday morning, I enjoyed brunch at the Bongo Room. I had the pretzel pancakes with white chocolate and carmel.

Brunch was followed by a mani and pedi.

I spent the evening with my friends for dinner at Zapatista for Mexican food. Feliz Cumpleanos a mi!

I also heard from so many family members and friends.
I love happy birthdays.
I love sharing my birthday with her....
xo xo xo.


Alex said...

Love. I especially like your cube. I've been there. Wonder what the next year will bring...

Abby said...

Your birthday was soooo fun- thanks for sharing it with me! What would I ever do in Chicago without you....I hope I never know! Love. You.

Mrs. B said...

OH HAPPY DAY!!! love the last picture!!!! xoxo see you SOON!

Unknown said...

Love your birthday so much! Wish I had been there to share it with you! Next year? Please. Great.