Monday, March 14, 2011

Feeding the Homeless

The FHE activity tonight was feeding the homeless in the area...

Courtney prepped the chili.

We quickly formed an assembly line and packaged up the goodness - thanks, Panera for donating the containers!

I was the D.D.... if we spotted someone that looked like they could use some warm chili, I pulled to the side, two people hopped out of the car, and the chili was delivered. :) Everyone was so grateful and I watched as one man's face light up and his expression was like, "Is this really for me?" The team gave him a couple of bowls.

Hopefully our new friends can go to bed tonight with warm little tummies.


Curtiss & Ginger said...

ummmm oh my gosh you guys are the NICEST!! I LOVE that idea! Are there really that many homeless people that you can just drive and pull over? Crazy! Can't wait to see you soon!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)

Alex said...

That's so neat. I haven't talked to you FOREVER!!!