Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Picture This

Easter flowers outside the temple.

Cubs game - boxed seats. Perfect weather. Cubs won!

Completed project. (Frame = Marshalls. Picture = expired calendar. Project = $13.)

New shoes. Couldn't resist.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Roommate/Missionary Companion - shout out!

Shermeka, my roommate for the past 15 months, just moved out a few hours ago. A new girl Taylor, a summer intern, will be moving in later today.

Earlier this week as I was walking to the Metra, I starting thinking about all the girls I've lived with since moving to BYU-I in 2002.
FYI: Angela and I shared a room for three years of school. (We shared EVERYTHING! And, we didn't want to have to separate from each other just yet!)

Here's a break down:
Summer 2002

A Norwegian girl (I could never pronounce her name right. It's in my journal somewhere.)

Winter 2002 - 2003
Katrina (Yep, S & K were twins!)

Fall/Winter 2003 - 2004
Ashley - 1st semester
Becky - 2nd semester

Fall/Winter 2004 -2005
Julie - again!
Becky - again!

Fall 2005




Fall 2006
Angelica -again!

I then moved to Salt Lake for an internship.


Then, my mission comps!


Ginger - again!
Nell - again!

Angelica - again!
Valentina - intern
Tayl0r - new roommate
So, that's a total of 37 roommates. Wow!!

They've all taught me so much. Like the roommate that folded my clean clothes because they were in the drier and she needed to use it. So sweet.

Or the roommate that put up the cutest pink Christmas tree and decorated our apartment for the holiday. Ang and I had just returned from Thanksgiving break and we were presently surprised.
Or the roommate that planned a surprise b-day party.
Or the roommate that would leave cute notes on the bathroom mirror.
Or the roommate that looked for the miracles in every day life.
Or the time the roommates planned a Valentine's surprise breakfast - with a love bug cake.
Or the roommate who would leave cute notes in my coat pocket.
Or the roommate who painted an incredible beach scene that covered the entire wall in our apartment. (It brought so much pretend warmth in Rexburg!)
Or the mission companion who greeted me every morning at 6:28 a.m. with a good morning shout out so we'd never be late getting up.

Or the mission companion that enjoyed getting up a little early so we could go for a run.
Or the mission companion that would make me breakfast.

Or the mission companions that were extremely helpful and motivating as I struggled to learn Spanish.

I'm reading President Monson's bio. He said this: "Cherish associations with others. I have learned everyone can teach me something. I love to learn something from each person with whom I associate."

With 37 roommates, I hope to remember their small acts of service that have made my temporary housing locations a home. :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Single and Spiritual

What is one of my favorite parts about being in Chicago?

...being surrounded by incredible church friends.

This article appeared in the Chicago Tribune today!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Oh the weekend!

Why do I love the weekends oh so much?

On Friday night, I joined up for my friends for a little Chinese/Thai food here:

Dinner was followed by a little hockey - Go Blackhawks. (No, I'm not a big hockey fan at all. But they won the Stanley Cup last year. This is simple math: I love Chicago = I love Chicago sports = Go Blackhawks.)

Saturday I attended a RS Conference for the Stake.

Workshop: Want to Improve Your Relationships? Listen Up.

My notes: Listening = True Act of Love.

Workshop: Show Me the Money: from Budgets to IRA's, a Quick Guide to Family Finance for Women.

My notes: Joyfully Accepting Less.

And then. Guess what was baaaack?


With Abby.

At Red Door Spa.



Followed by shopping in the city.

Also fantastic.

Courtney and I enjoyed cupcakes at the cutest little cupcake shop.

Sweet Mandy B's.... "Too much of a good thing is Wonderful."

Sunday is my favorite day of the weekend.


Because I always leave church feeling energized to start a new week.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Inspired by Michal

FHE tonight took place at Brandon and Nikki's.

Their friend Michal was the special guest.

He's legally blind and agreed to come and share his life experiences with us.

His optimistic outlook on life and positive attitude were inspiring.

So inspiring in fact that I left feeling more grateful for the little things in life - like my ability to see.

P.S. I loved General Conference last weekend...all sessions.

Can't wait to receive the May Ensign.