Sunday, April 17, 2011

Oh the weekend!

Why do I love the weekends oh so much?

On Friday night, I joined up for my friends for a little Chinese/Thai food here:

Dinner was followed by a little hockey - Go Blackhawks. (No, I'm not a big hockey fan at all. But they won the Stanley Cup last year. This is simple math: I love Chicago = I love Chicago sports = Go Blackhawks.)

Saturday I attended a RS Conference for the Stake.

Workshop: Want to Improve Your Relationships? Listen Up.

My notes: Listening = True Act of Love.

Workshop: Show Me the Money: from Budgets to IRA's, a Quick Guide to Family Finance for Women.

My notes: Joyfully Accepting Less.

And then. Guess what was baaaack?


With Abby.

At Red Door Spa.



Followed by shopping in the city.

Also fantastic.

Courtney and I enjoyed cupcakes at the cutest little cupcake shop.

Sweet Mandy B's.... "Too much of a good thing is Wonderful."

Sunday is my favorite day of the weekend.


Because I always leave church feeling energized to start a new week.


Alex said...

I think I need to arrange to be in Chicago next year at this time for spa week. That cupcake place is adorable.

Unknown said...

After reading this I felt like I was a part of your weekend :)