Monday, September 19, 2011

Don't Tell

I haven't washed my hair in three days. (Just so you know: I did shower!)

My co-worker told me she liked my hair like this.

What would people say if I didn't wash my hair for four days?


Unknown said...

I'm on my third day tomorrow as well. Don't tell anyone. Promise?

nikkiricks said...

i read something recently that said that when you do wash your hair. wash it twice, really really good. actually shampoo your hair twice in the shower. my hair lasts for days... it's amazing, and makes me never want shower.

Alex said...

Don't worry, I can't really even shower right now. Your hair looks great. The natural oils are good for i! :)

Curtiss & Ginger said...

I think I'm going on day 5...haha. You are not alone :) I think your hair looks great too!

Mrs. B said...

hey-- I haven't washed my hair for 3 days!!! we are sooo much a like!!