Monday, October 3, 2011

Kansas Love.

Happy Wedding, Kylie and Chris!

I loved catching up with my high school girlfriends!

Here's {almost} all the girls from the "Sexy Seven."

And, I LOVED General Conference. Mucho. You can check it out here!

Quality time with my parents is the best.

P.S. Thanks to the United flight crew for not showing up to work on Sunday evening, I spent an unplanned 20 hours with my parents. I didn't mind.


Diana C. said...

It sounds like a wonderful weekend. I' m sad that I didn't get to see you before I left. we'll have to talk soon!

Mrs. B said...

love this!

Ryan and Betsy Stromberg said...

looks like a fun trip:)

Ryan and Betsy Stromberg said...

Um yes please! move to utah!!