Monday, October 29, 2012

Reminiscing + Sandy Update

I'm just spending an unplanned day at home due to Hurricane Sandy. 
Turns out all of Maryland is shutdown and the D.C. metro is closed. When I called our office hotline this morning, the message said to play it safe and stay at home if we're not able to make it to the city. 

So what have I been doing today?
I baked two loaves of french bread, some banana coffee cake topped with chocolate chips and walnuts and some potato soup. Wish you could come over!!

It's been poring rain all day. I'm thankful we still have power. From the news report, it looks like the winds are picking up and we may be experiencing power outages in the next couple of hours. Fingers crossed everything is okay. I took a long, warm shower this afternoon as that may be my last one for a few days! 

Now on to the reminiscing part - 
Oct. 29. A year ago TODAY, Aaron and I went on our first date in Colorado! (Reminder: we had already been e-mailing and talking on the phone and it worked out for me to go and visit Colorado to see my sis on bed rest and the rest of my fam that was visiting Denver!) 

(Do you love Aaron's ear cast?!) 

Part of the date included going to a haunted house with Matt and Nell. They're the cute couple that got married the day after us. 

 Never in my life could I have guessed that my mission companion would set me up with my future spouse. I'll be forever grateful for her and that I decided to serve a mission! Nothing happens by accident. 

Yesterday as we were getting ready for church, Aaron and I some how got on the topic of past relationships and how grateful we are that we waited for the right person at the right time at the right place. 

My mom shared this quote with me:

"In Jane Austin's time, everything was a production.
Letters took days to be sent.
Balls were highly anticipated. 
In the novels, it takes years before they can even kiss one another. 
Take relish in the little things and savor everything that goes along the way (whether it be the pain, suffering, or glee of it all).
Don't push too much. 
Let your story unfold on its own."

xo xo xo 

Also along the lines of reminiscing, I really miss these cute little family members. 

I Skype/Facetime with my sisters almost every day just so I can tell them hello. 
I about died a few weeks ago when I called Alex and Lincoln answered the phone and said, "Hi Manda. Miss you. Love you." 

I use to get annoyed when people would ramble on and on about their amazing nieces and nephews. "They're not even their own children," I would think to myself. 

And now. I get it. I love them as my own. 

Be safe! 


Mrs. B said...

WE MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BE SAFE!!!!!!!
You're right. Things work out for a reason.
Glad you found Aaron!
We love to facetime with you!!!

Alex said...

Crazy what can happen in a year! Miss you tons!

Ryan and Betsy Stromberg said...

I finally caught up on your blog! You guys are so stinkin adorable and I'm SO happy for you- you are and sweetest person ever and it looks like you found a good guy who deserves you:) I didn't know Hna Fagergren set you guys up!! Crazy cause Ginger set Ry and I up:) the blessings of serving a mission never stop coming:) besito!