Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Party Time

What a weekend! Aaron and I attended three Christmas parties over the weekend. Phew…

 Friday night was the Security Forces’ Holiday Party at the Holiday Inn in D.C.
It was fun to finally put a face with a name when I met the people from Aaron’s flight that he talks about.

Luckily I found something to wear an hour before the party started. I left work right at 5:30 p.m. on Friday and ran to the H&M that’s around the corner from my office. Sale rack = success.

With over $10,000 in prizes, we were a little depressed that our tickets weren’t selected in the raffle. (“Good thing my party is tomorrow night,” I said to Aaron. “We’re sure to have better luck!”)

Saturday evening was our ward Christmas party and everything turned out according to plan. We (the RS Presidency) were in charge of the event and everyone seemed to have an enjoyable evening. We started setting up at 3:30 p.m. and the party started at 6:00. I played a couple of Christmas piano duets with a friend and I didn’t want to stop! I just love everything about Christmas music. (Sorry no pics!)

The second after the duet ended, Aaron and I ran to my work Holiday party at the Grand Hyatt in D.C. (Sorry again, no pics. But, I wore the same dress that I wore on Friday night so you’re not missing anything exciting, well, except Aaron is in handsome shirt and tie combo.)

After we had mingled with my co-workers and Aaron met everyone, it was time for the raffle drawling.
The prizes?
2-round trip tickets to anywhere in the U.S. and then the MCs would add in, “This time, the tickets can also be used for a flight to Hawaii… to Europe…to the Caribbean.” They gave out about 15 sets of tickets.
The winning numbers included 762913, 762914, 762915…Guess what number I had? 762912.

One. Number. Off. I should have spent 2 extra minutes in the bathroom when we arrived at the party!!! #betterlucknexttime

In other news, as of December 11, I’m officially 29! It was fun day celebrated with a little Café Rio for dinner with Aaron’s parents. I felt so loved hearing from so many family members and friends via cards, text messages, FB posts, e-mails and voice messages. Thanks, guys!

 Christmas is next week! I can’t even wait for the partying to continue.


Mrs. B said...

Sorry you didn't win anything.....but you looked super cute!!!!! And I love the last pic.....Khloe loves to color pictures for the family!!!! Happy shopping!! See you THIS WERKEND!!!!!!
Ps Mike said yessssssss I can!!!!!

Alex said...

You look so gorgeous. Love the red lipstick. See you and baby soon!!....and Aaron :)

Myriah Cohen said...

I can't believe you were one number off! I'm freaking out about this! Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!