Friday, January 31, 2014

Before January ends!

I feel like people either love or hate the month of January. I happen to love it. I hope your New Year's resolutions are going well! 

Several months ago, my sister shared with me the idea of having a family theme for the year. I know we only have a 9 month old, but we're starting this year with a tradition we plan to continue! 

While studying the conference talks from October 2013, I loved President Monson's closing remarks in his talk: Till We Meet Again.

"May heaven’s blessings be with you. May your homes be filled with love and courtesy and with the Spirit of the Lord. May you constantly nourish your testimonies of the gospel that they will be a protection to you against the buffetings of the adversary."

We decided our family theme this year is: 

I'm working on creating blog books: one for my time in Chicago and one for our married life until now! It's been fun looking through past blog posts and I'm motivated to write better posts to capture the memories of life! 

Happy February tomorrow! 

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