Friday, February 21, 2014

16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

Is it annoying yet that I'm doing 28 things I love this month?
Haha - thanks for reading these. 
I seriously thought I would post about something each day this month and I've seriously come to realize that I'm not a blogger that can post once a day. 
I love writing on my blog, but I love doing more important things during the day - you know, like cuddling my baby and painting my nails. ;) 
But, when I say I'm going to do something, I want to finish it!

16. I love pink flowers. 
{I rewarded myself for going grocery shopping earlier this week. These beauties were $1.29 at Aldi. Love that place.}

 17. I seriously love dance parties. We had a blast tonight at the youth dance. I secretly wish I was in a band.

18. Family movies.
I love supporting clean PG rated films like The Lego Movie. {It's pretty cute. Aaron was in heaven reliving his lego making days. Guess what Eli's getting for his first birthday?}
Every time I watch a PG-13 movie, I cringe a little inside and swear to myself I'm giving them up. 

19, 20 and 21 - I love my great friends! I couldn't image my life without the incredible friends I've had throughout my life! I love that so many friends have visited DC and we've been able to meet up. I love the friends we've made in Maryland and the fun memories we're making now. 
{Why can't we just all live together in one place??}

Have the best weekend ever! 


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! I love that picture of us! You look gorgeous.

Can I just say, I love your 28 things. I look forward to reading them, and get so excited when I see you've posted a new set!

Samantha said...
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Samantha said...

I love the 28 things you love. There is so much to love, why not share it. :)

Aaron and Amanda said...

Hahah I'm glad you get excited when you see a new set! ;)

Aaron and Amanda said...

Ohhhh I agree! There is so much to love in life! :)