Monday, May 12, 2014

I am a Mother

I loved Mother's Day and hope you had a great day too! Motherhood is better than I thought it would be. I'm grateful for my mom who made raising righteous children her priority. 

I recently finished this book - "I Am a Mother" by Jane Clayson Johnson - and I highly recommend it. Jane talks about attending many high profile business meetings with her husband and when it came time for introductions, most women traveling with their husbands would stand to introduce themselves and say, "I'm just a mother," or, "Before being a mother, I worked at this big named company," etc. etc. As I read the book, I teared up many times and realized that I will make a point to confidently reply, "I am a mother," when I'm asked what I do.

As a college freshman, I remember smirking at other freshman girls when I overheard this conversation: between friends and roommates:

Friend #1: What are you studying?
Friend #2: I really just want to be a mom someday. 

 I was determined to finish school and dreamed about working in the business world. Growing up my mom talked often of her college experience and how she had a savings account to contribute to her new married life. I also saw the value of an education as my grandma and aunt were widows at a young age and were able to provide for their families as school teachers. 

I had a great college experience and enjoyed my classes and social life. As years passed by and I continued to be single, I often wondered how different my life would have been if as a freshman girl I focused more on being a mother. Now as I look back and I'm happily married to the perfect person for me, I know my life worked out better than I imaged - I will always promote education, but I will equally promote marriage and motherhood to young girls as they plan for the future. 

I couldn't agree more with Abraham Lincoln who said, "All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my mother."


Aaron and Eli sent me Shari's Berries for Mother's Day. 
They were extremely delicious! 
{and expensive. haha.. but Aaron knows how to make me smile and I loved them.}

At church, all the women received flowers and a dear friend gave me this yellow, happy gift from LUSH!

We enjoyed Sunday dinner prepared by Aaron and his dad. My in-laws gave me this cute card:

It was a happy day and weekend! Aaron and Eli truly make me feel blessed each and every day!

So, the next time I'm asked what I do, I already know my reply -
"I am a mother and it's one of the best jobs in the world."


Bryan said...

You are such a good mom! Happy Mother's Day!

Mrs. B said...

love this!!! and your pictures are adorable!!!