Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Spiritual Weekend!

This past weekend was our Stake Conference and I love that our Stake Presidency encourages us to attend the temple sometime during the week before conference. Aaron and I attended the temple Friday night and enjoyed our date night. As we drove away, I asked Aaron to stop so I could hop out of the car to snap this pic. I love the temple at night!

My favorite take aways from Stake Conference were to be obedient to our Prophet, find simple ways to share our testimonies of what we know to be true, and be fully committed to the gospel. 

On Sunday evening, we invited our neighbors over for dinner and had an impromptu talent show after we ate. I was in heaven as we sang around the piano. I brought out my guitar and Aaron grabbed his harmonica. Eli loved it too and kept asking "please" for more! 

Last Friday before the babysitter came, I introduced Eli to bubbles. I wish you could hear him say, "Bubble!" It may be the cutest baby word ever. 

Grandma Donna MADE and sent Eli this bench and it arrived on Friday. What a spoiled day! 

Do you ever spoil yourself with flowers when you're grocery shopping? I do. ;)

Eli's started taking things from one place and putting them in other places in our {small} home. I laughed out loud when I found this in the bathtub the other day. He loves taking baths so I guess he decided he would try bathing next time with the Jiffy corn muffins mix. 

Aaron has off next Thursday and Friday and I've been making big plans for our "staycation." Yep, we're planning fun activities to do around D.C., because I mean, where else is a better place to celebrate our independence then in D.C.?! ;) 


Mrs. B said...

You guys are such great missionaries!!! I wish we could spend 4 the of July together! I loved the video you sent of Eli saying bubbles!

Alex said...

I love that Eli is moving things around. Too funny.