When Eli goes to bed at night, I look through pics of my phone and think, "Oh, I should post these on my blog!" So, here you have it - phone pics over the past several weeks!
Before Eli's hair cut 2 weeks ago, he was waking up with hair like this...
At the end of December, Aaron and I enjoyed a date to the Denver Temple. (Thanks, Alex for babysitting!) We haven't been back to the temple since we were married there almost 3 years ago. Of course we reminisced about our wedding day and how it was the perfect day with all our family and friends!
I've been dreading 1 o'clock church since I found out we would switch to that time with the new year. Turns out it actually works great for us! Eli takes a little snooze from 11 - 12:35 p.m. and then I wake him up, throw on his shoes and we run out the door. He's relaxed during sacrament meeting and when his energy level kicks back in, he goes to nursery! He loves nursery now and last week didn't even cry when I left. Last Sunday he all of the sudden looked so grown up to me.
We love Colorado because one day it snows and the next day it's 50 degrees! On one particular warm day, we ran to the park to enjoy the sunshine!
After Eli's bath a few weeks ago, he kept asking for a "hug." I melted. And cried a little. He's extra cuddly these days after bath time and I don't even mind.
You may get sick of me saying this, but I'll keep saying it as long as we live here - living by family is the best! We've had slumber parties at the Davis home the past two weekends.
My parents gave us a Bosch mixer for Christmas and I'm in love. I tried it out last week and it's changed my life forever! I tried Parker House Rolls and they turned out pretty good - the bottoms were a little too brown, but we still ate them!
And finally - we live literally 3 minutes from Bass Pro Shops and it's become our favorite family activity to visit often. I wish you could see Eli run to the back of the store yelling, "FISH!!!!!" He's always excited for a Bass Pro adventure!
Hope you're having a great 2015!
I was just wondering about your bosch. We love having you close!
We love Eli.
He's starting to look like a little boy not a baby.
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