Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Life with boys

These pics from my phone have made me smile this past week. 

Austin's bath time! 

2 weeks old. During Austin's Dr. appointment, the fire alarm went off. I asked if it was a drill or the real thing. I had just undressed him and set him on the scale. "It's the real thing," the nurse said. I quickly dressed the little guy and we ran outside. Luckily everything was fixed soon and we could finish up his appointment. 

Cuddles in bed are a daily accurance at our house. 

How Eli entertaines himself while Austin nurses:

Selfies and reading books on the clothes hamper. 

Milk, milk, milk! 

The boys and I drove to KS on Thursday and spent the weekend with the Davis clan. 
We all love Kansas! 

I continue to rest and I'm feeling better and better each day. Kansas and spending time with my parents is so good for my soul! 


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