Monday we celebrated the Bronco's Super Bowl win with a free donut!
My mom surprised us by coming to our house on Monday afternoon. We LOVE when she comes to visit! She brings happiness with her every time. Monday afternoon we went swimming at the Y with everyone. After all the snow we've had, it was fun pretending like it was SUMMER. Austin won for having the best tan.
Tuesday after Eli's preschool, we went to the library. There was a sign posted at the library to add a book you highly recommend to others. I walked by and then turned around to add the Book of Mormon. ;)
Tuesday night we had a date to the Airport Restaurant to celebrate Valentine's Day. I read online that this place is great for little boys and it didn't disappoint.
Wednesday Eli had a make-up day for preschool and then we drove to Denver to visit the zoo with these little monkeys. Warm winter days are the best!
And then Austin got his first little hair cut. Big boy!
Friday we hosted a Valentine play group - pics to follow- and then after nap time, we ran to the base so Austin could see the Dr. before the weekend... I was afraid he had pink-eye, but nope. Then we stopped by the visitor's center to see more airplanes.
Saturday we found these puzzles at the Goodwill for a few bucks each. I also found church pants for the boys that look hardly worn. I love thrift store shopping!
With the nice weather, I must have overdone our activities, because Austin now has a horrible cold. Poor little guy. We've spent the past 3 days at home so he can get well.