Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Family Celebration

Monday we celebrated the Bronco's Super Bowl win with a free donut! 

My mom surprised us by coming to our house on Monday afternoon. We LOVE when she comes to visit! She brings happiness with her every time. Monday afternoon we went swimming at the Y with everyone. After all the snow we've had, it was fun pretending like it was SUMMER. Austin won for having the best tan.

Tuesday after Eli's preschool, we went to the library. There was a sign posted at the library to add a book you highly recommend to others. I walked by and then turned around to add the Book of Mormon. ;)

Tuesday night we had a date to the Airport Restaurant to celebrate Valentine's Day. I read online that this place is great for little boys and it didn't disappoint. 

Wednesday Eli had a make-up day for preschool and then we drove to Denver to visit the zoo with these little monkeys. Warm winter days are the best!

And then Austin got his first little hair cut. Big boy!

Friday we hosted a Valentine play group - pics to follow- and then after nap time, we ran to the base so Austin could see the Dr. before the weekend... I was afraid he had pink-eye, but nope. Then we stopped by the visitor's center to see more airplanes.

Saturday we found these puzzles at the Goodwill for a few bucks each. I also found church pants for the boys that look hardly worn. I love thrift store shopping!

With the nice weather, I must have overdone our activities, because Austin now has a horrible cold. Poor little guy. We've spent the past 3 days at home so he can get well. 

February Snow

We welcomed the month of February with snow. Lots of it! School was canceled for three days so we stayed inside and enjoyed lots of activities together like...

watching the snow fall,

practicing the piano,
I have a similar picture of Eli doing this. 
My heart wonders how my babies grow so quickly!

baking bread and apple muffins,

creating Sunday quite books with pictures from the Friend,

eating ice cream with sprinkles,

drinking lots of green smoothies,

painting Valentines,

and sewing projects with scrap material I've wanted to use up - a new church bag for Eli and Valentine treat bags for my visiting teachers and Eli's nursery leaders. 
Not pictured - we also did lots of shoveling.

Austin also had an accident with a spoon. It was a close call to his eyeball.

We bravely broke out of the house Friday afternoon - we don't have 4-wheel drive so I'm extra cautious when it comes to driving in the snow. Thankfully the roads weren't too bad and we went to Monkey Buzines for family night where pizza was served!

Saturday morning called for cuddling with my black-eyed baby and then playing peek-a-boo. Austin is good at this game.

We headed to Home Depot for their monthly workshop. Why spend money on entertainment when kids get a kick out of the free stuff like a shopping cart?

Sunday morning Eli came into my room at 6 a.m. saying he was ready to wake up. We cuddled for a minute and then he was out...for another hour. I was able to get ready for church before the little dudes woke up. :)

Sometimes I feel like the days are long with Aaron being gone, but when I blog, I look back at all we've done and feel extra grateful for the time I get to spend with these little guys each and every day! They're my favorite little people!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Last week

We love the Broncos!! This is displayed at our Wal-mart and Eli asked for a picture. (PS. We didn't just suddenly become Broncos fans because we live in Colorado now! The Broncos have always been my number one team and I'm passing that love down to my children. ;) )

Last week my SIL texted me a fun sensory activity -- flour + vegetable oil. This kept Eli entertained for hours. I tried it with wheat flour the other day and it was more like sand! Thanks, Mary Beth!

We went on a temple walk last week when the weather was warm! 
We're so blessed to live so close to a temple. 

Obviously we stopped by Alex's house, too, for our weekly playdate! 

And Thursday night we had taco soup with the Sister Missionaries. As we finished, one of the sisters started laughing hysterically and pointed to Austin and said, "He looks like he has an orange spray tan!" This kid. He's a crack-up! 

Friday night our home was filled with family! My cousin Megan was visiting for a training and Bryan and Alex and company came down for dinner. I just love having our home filled with people we love the most!

These little monkeys jumping in the bed...

And I watched a youtube video about curling my hair. It's sooo dry here and after having babies, my hair isn't as naturally curly as it use to be. 
Alex was upset I turned to the internet and I didn't just go to her for advice. Sorry, Alex! ;)

Monday, February 1, 2016

Denver Children's Museum

A few weeks ago, we had a slumber party at Alex's house and then ran to the Children's Museum. 
But first we shopped at Target until Alex and her kids got home from school and preschool. I loved these Valentines at Target, but I didn't want to spend the money to buy these so consider this a Valentine card from you to me. ;)

A cousin slumber party in the middle of the week equals the best week ever.

We haven't been to a ton of Children's Museums, but this one was hands down the best one we've been to. We want to go back!! I love going to places that stimulate creative and imagination.

Friday night we had a pizza party with friends and I looked over to see Austin doing this. I usually put his food directly on his tray so apparently he didn't know what to do with a plate! Hahaha

It's kind of ironic that I'm posting this picture right now when we're in the middle of a snow storm. This was us outside enjoying a lovely sunny, 60 degree, Colorado day!