Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Gift giving

I took Eli to the dollar store to pick out a gift for Austin. He looked at all the toys and then with lots of excitement, he picked up a car with a launcher and said, "This! Austin will love this!" The boys helped my mom and me clean so I gave him a dollar to pay for the gift. His favorite part was getting 2 cents back in change. After wrapping the gift, Eli gave it to Austin and said, "Austin, when mom takes you to the dollar store, I really want a launcher car!" 


The next day it was Austin's turn. First stop. Candy store. My mom bought some chocolates for her sister and Austin was in candy heaven. He almost got Eli candy, but we decided to head to the dollar store where he found the perfect gift.


A laser gun. I may have made a mistake letting him play with it at the store. I kept repeating, "This is for Eli! This is for Eli!" Austin held the bag the whole way home and then said, "Wrap it?" We didn't even make it into the house before the breakdown happened.



After it was wrapped, Austin cried because he wanted it. Eli cried because he wanted a gift. Christmas morning should be interesting. Hahah - but it was great taking time with each boy to pick out a gift for their brother. Here they are after their fight making up with a hug. Looks more like a deadlock. 


We went to a home light up show set to music. I wasn't expecting to cry! At the end, the song was "I'm Proud to be an American" and this flag was the only thing lit up. 


These two. Love that they have each other.


Tonight we put on our pjs and met up with Steele, Jenny and Evan for cookies and hot chocolate with Santa.


We're all excited for Christmas over here!!

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