Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Rainy week

The boys' favorite part of FHE is the treat. This particular Monday night we had birthday cake pudding with sprinkles on top!


The weather was rainy and a bit cold a few weeks ago so we played inside a lot. I made bread and chili in the crock-pot. Although I love fall, I wasn't quite ready for colder weather so I was happy the following week when it warmed up and we were back to playing outside and eating popsicles.


Aaron surprised me with flowers he picked up from Walmart as he did a grocery run for our upcoming camping trip. I love flowers. And surprises. And Aaron.

The boys long hair was so out of control that I finally grabbed with clippers and nearly shaved it off. I like Austin better with long hair and I don't do the best job cutting their hair, but I didn't couldn't take their long hair any more so it was time.


And these two are so obsessed with Legos. I find them all throughout the house and even though I feel like screaming at times when I find Legos everywhere, I'm happy they can sit and play for hours and hours and use their imaginations. 

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