Aaron had Monday off for President's Day. He took the boys to the Nature and Science Museum in Denver while Eleanor and I stayed home and cuddled. I wrote out her birth story and cried as I reflected on her birth. It was a peaceful birth and I'm amazed how my body heals from a c-section. The boys had fun and were excited to tell me about their adventure together when they returned.
On Tuesday I registered Eli for kindergarten. As we walked into the central office, Eli grabbed my hand to walk across the parking lot. I cried! He's excited for school and I know he'll love it. When we were called up to the desk to register, Eli counted by 10s to 100 and then told the lady he could count to 20 and started counting - 1, 2, 3... It made me laugh because we've been talking about what he needs to know for kindergarten.
My dad had a work conference in Denver so my mom came with him. Alex and her kids and my mom came down to visit us on Tuesday! We LOVED having them. They cleaned our house, played with the boys, made us lunch and dinner and made us happy! I think we've all had some cabin fever so it was a nice treat to have them visit.
It snowed this week so the boys bundled up several times and went outside to play! They've also been pulling off the couch cushions to make what they call a "sucker" (whatever that means!) haha It's kept them entertained for hours and wears them out before nap time.
On Thursday evening, my visiting teachers planned a baby shower to welcome Eleanor. The ladies in our ward were so generous and gave us adorable baby girl clothes, blankets and even gave the boys books and movies.
On Friday, we went to the mall. I gave the boys each 4 quarters for the money they earned this summer picking up pinecones from Great Grandma Volk's house. They each bought a gum ball, candy and another gum ball.
The mall has this photographer exhibit that we walked through - loved the message "Change how see, see how you change."
I found this ABC sticker and coloring book at the mall, and the boys have been working on their ABCs.
And every night this week after dinner, we turn on the Olympics. It will be sad when it's over!! It's nice to watch the Olympics while nursing Eleanor. And I love cuddling my sleepy baby!
On Saturday morning, we cleaned, did laundry and relaxed together. I needed to fold the laundry but decided to cuddle my baby instead. I ran to Wal-mart during nap time and came home to Eleanor asleep on her daddy.
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