Monday, April 23, 2018

3 months old!!

Our sweet baby cakes in now 3 months old! She's the sweetest baby and we all adore her! My favorite thing in the whole wide world is when my babies give me the happiest smiles. :)

Monday: the weather was warm (a bit windy, but so warm!) so we went to the big slides.

Eleanor's first time on a slide! Photo credit: Eli. We had Luke over Monday afternoon for a birthday playdate. It was his birthday!

The boys are in flag football right now and they love it. It's so fun to watch them! Austin loves holding his little sister.

I was cutting onions for dinner and the boys went and got their goggles. It made me giggle. They heard on a podcast the goggles can help your eyes not water when you're cutting onions. They decided to test it out. It worked!

Austin's little mind is so brilliant. He can do this 24 piece puzzle all alone! And Austin took this picture of me during morning scripture study. 

Penny horse ride at the grocery store! And more onion cutting.

Eleanor went grocery shopping with me and loved riding in the cart made for carseats.

Saturday afternoon I took the YW bowling. These girls completed the most personal progress during our March Madness activity so they got to go bowling. It was a blast! I realized I'm old enough to be their mom. 

Sunday morning snuggles. And a lady from church gave Eleanor this dress so of course she wore it to church. The fur vest was too cute!

I also went to an orientation meeting for parents of kindergarteners starting next fall!! I cried my eyes out. How is it possible that Eli will start school in a few short months? He's so excited. 

Learnings from the week:

- For FHE, Aaron gave us each a blessing. Tears filled my eyes as he reminded me about my roll as a mother in raising these children. I love them!

During my scripture study this week, I was reminded about how my scripture study isn't just for me personally anymore. It's for my family. 

We've been doing a Clean - Simple - Eats meal plan. It takes so much time, but we've been eating healthier and feeling better ourselves. As I was cleaning up the dishes, I realized that we invest money each month for our financial future, so even though we've been spending more money on groceries, healthy food is an investment for our bodies.

Speaking on investments, I've really been trying hard to invest my time and energy into eternal things that matter most. 

On Wednesday afternoon, I go extremely sick. I was exhausted and dehydrated, I'm sure. So thankful Aaron was able to come home and take care of everyone. I was reminded about the importance of getting to bed early. 

Aaron had a tough week last week at work - he received some great news regarding his future job application and then received some tough news from his boss. As he was having a heated work discussion on the phone, I was reminded how much I don't miss the stress of my previous full-time job. Oh how I love being able to be at home. There are tough times with being at home, but when I look at the big picture, I cherish these minutes with my children. Anyway, I got off topic, but regarding Aaron, I found this quote and love it - "A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor."

As I was grocery shopping on Saturday, I saw several elderly people grocery shopping alone and getting a small half-gallon of milk as well as a few fruits and vegetables. As I observed them, I felt this overwhelming sense of gratitude for this time in my life - meaning, that I have my little children around me that I get to cook and clean for. I needed that reminder, because so many times I feel overwhelmed like I'm never going to get anything done, but being at the grocery store helped me shift my perspective on this stage of my life.

In sacrament meeting yesterday, Brother Chambers gave a talk and said that if we want to be comfortable in the presence of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, we must be living and acting like them each day.

Monday, April 16, 2018

A quick one

The weeks go by so quickly!

I made this sign to give the Young Women. It's my favorite quote from General Conference.

Monday - we stopped by the park in Grand Junction before we headed to Aurora. Austin got soaked so had to wear his church shoes into Wendy's. Hahaha

We stayed the night at Alex's house and we were excited to be see them! Our friend Aiden came and played with us on Tuesday.

Aaron returned Tuesday afternoon from his interview! We were sooo excited to be reunited with him. He and I (and our side kick Eleanor) squeezed in a quick date for Thai food at a place minutes away from Alex's house. Eli and Austin played at their house and then we all traveled back home together!

In church yesterday, one of the speakers talked about family history work and asked if our testimony has been recorded. It made me think of this little blog. People blog these days as a full-time job and can make lots of money doing it. I'm just writing down our memories as a way to remember our day to day life together and how we've seen Heavenly Father's hands in our daily lives. I'm so grateful for my family and the things they teach my again and again. I know prayer works and as a family, we're striving to strength our faith daily by praying together morning and night, reading from the Book or Mormon, serving, attending church weekly and listening to the still small voice. I get so distracted with things that don't matter and I'm hoping to do better on focusing on things that matter most. 

Friday, April 13, 2018

Visiting Extended Family

The kids and I traveled last week to spend time with family as Aaron prepared for a big job interview. We missed Aaron so much!

Our first stop: Angela and her kids met us in Fruita to spend time with Papa and Grandma Donna. Cousin time is the best!




We then decided to drive to Utah to attend the Jordan River Temple Open House and Owens's baby blessing.

What a treat it is to take our little children through the temple during an Open House. A volunteer at the temple saw all the cousins together and said, "Cousin Strong!" He reminded them how blessed they are to have cousins to support one another - on missions, in getting married in the temple, and in choosing the right.

After the temple Open House, we went to the Aquarium to meet up with Angelica and her kids!

Utah is exhausting. This trip was one of my favorites because we weren't driving hours to meet up with family, like we usually do. I love Utah because so many people live there, but it can also get draining trying to see everyone. This was one of my favorite trips because we stayed in South Jordan close to Angela's house the entire time we were there!

Owen was born a week after Eleanor and it was so nice to meet him! I've always wanted twins and since that hasn't happened, I'm grateful my children have cousins so close in age.

Grandpa Volk made it to Utah for the blessing so we were happy to see him as well!!

I returned home so grateful for extended family that are earnestly striving to living the gospel! What a great example they are to all of us!