Friday, April 13, 2018

Snow then Sunshine then Easter and General Conference

The weather has changed drastically each day. One day it's sunny and warm. The next day  it's snowing and freezing. We had an Easter Egg hunt when it was warm!

Love these baby smiles.

FHE activity - coloring Easter eggs.

Playing in the snow followed by warm hot chocolate!

The next day, the snow melted and the boys were outside playing soccer.

Grateful for this baby carrier and baby snuggles while I get chores done around the house.

I painted this sign for YWs!

The boys enjoyed painting too.

This had me laughing for days!

A sweet YW in our ward made the boys notebooks to use during General Conference. They were thrilled! Sleeping baby. :)

Austin gets stuck sometimes while he's getting dressed. hahah

Bunny slippers for an Easter Egg hunt with friends.

We were assigned to clean the church at 8 a.m. the morning on General Conference. We talked about getting donuts after cleaning the church, but decided as a family to use our fun money to get dinner at Wendy's on Friday night instead of donuts. Friday evening Aaron got an e-mail about a new family moving into the ward and needing help unloading their truck. Aaron went to help them at 7:00 a.m. BEFORE we went to clean the church and the family he helped sent him home with donuts!!! So we ended up getting donuts after all - for free! We were all excited. We saw it as blessings for serving. :) The boys are good at cleaning the church!!

General Conference was so uplifting and powerful as usual. It was extra special to raise our hands and sustain our new Prophet - President Nelson. We love him and his desire to serve move the gospel forward in rapid speed. He's in his 90s and is currently traveling the world to meet with the saints. He announced 7 new temples and tears came to my eyes realizing how many families would be blessed by having a temple close to them. There was also a change announced with how the priesthood is organized - all the men are in the Elders Quorum and there is no longer a High Priest Group and visiting and home teaching is now known as "Ministering." We Thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet!!

Sunday morning was Easter! We hid the Easter baskets for the kids and they were excited to find them hiding behind the picture of the Savior - the true meaning of Easter! What peace fills our home and hearts knowing that because Christ was resurrected, we will also be resurrected one day.

Eleanor's first Easter! And lots and lots of cuddles for dad during conference.

Aaron and I made rolls for Easter dinner with friends. They turned out beautifully! 

Eleanor has the sweetest smiles for the daddy!

During General Conference, I immediately felt the reassurance that Heavenly Father has the perfect plan for us and the timing in life will work out perfectly as we trust in Him. 

I'm also grateful for the Holy Ghost to prompt us. Aaron and I have really been focusing on our budget and living within our means better and I had a prompting to order new contacts because I'm almost out of them. I just purchased new glasses so I kept thinking that if I had run out of contacts, I would just wear my glasses. I kept having the prompting several times and when I finally decided to look into it, I realized that my eye prescription expired April 1. I quickly ordered contacts before I was required to go and pay for a new eye exam. I recognized this as a blessing from striving to pay an honest tithing! 

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