Sunday, January 26, 2020

A break

Monday was Martin Luther King Day so there was no school and Aaron had the holiday off too. We bundled up and went north to visit Grandma and Grandpa Volks' property. The boys had a blast playing in the snow. It was freezing, but we had warm taco soup and hot chocolate. 

I don't have a lot of pictures from our week - we went grocery shopping and did laundry and I had a presidency meeting for YW. We also went to story time at the library and checked out some new books. One morning, I made my breakfast shake and then ran upstairs to finish getting ready so we could quickly get out the door. When I came downstairs, Eleanor had pushed the kitchen chair over to the counter so she could drink the tiny bit of shake that remained in the blender. She's sneaky! 

I also spent this week organizing family pictures and videos on my computer and I can't believe how quickly the kids have grown up. We all loved watching videos of toddler Eli and Austin. I miss their small voices and chubby cheeks. I want to make sure and take more videos! On Tuesday evening I was able to attend the temple and then help with the temple cleaning. I haven't done cleaning at the temple before. I am impressed with how clean the temple always is! My cleaning job was to vacuum the third floor and I know it had just been vacuumed the night before, but I thought about my own life and how if I repent each day, I know I can start each day with a clean slate. 

On Friday school was canceled due to SNOW! It was a snow day and we spent the day at home together. We had morning school time and watched movies most of the afternoon.  This week I'm registering Austin for kindergarten next year and I keep asking the boys if I can just home school them. They keep talking about how much they love school!! 

Saturday was basketball day. We're working so hard on our family budget and really focusing on paying off our house - Eli's team had team pictures on Saturday and I told him I'd snap some pics instead of paying for them. :) Basketball is so fun to watch and the team is improving!

On Saturday afternoon we went back out to the property so Aaron could continue helping his dad. The sun was shining and it felt so good for my soul. The boys played outside all afternoon. 

Today was a lovely Sunday. Aaron and I sang with the choir - Nearer my God to Thee. I've been struggling with choir. I love singing, but I feel like sometimes the director picks songs that are more advanced than our choir talent. I had a thought today that our director is called and set apart for the calling and she's doing her best to pick songs that she feels inspired for us to sing. I want to do better in supporting her and I was grateful when she asked us today to send her any song suggestions for the choir. I'm going to start searching for simple hymns I can suggest to her. ;) 

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