Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Happiest Mother's Day

The boys played flag football in the rain on Monday morning. 

Eleanor loves helping me in the kitchen these days and sneaking licks whenever she can.

I've been in contact with my dad's uncle Pete (my dad's last living Uncle) and he sent me this picture from December 2012, when Pete and his wife Angie came and joined us for Christmas. I asked Pete some questions about his family and he's sending me a package with information that I can't wait to use for family history!

I went to the Dr twice this week... here's an ultra sound of our new BABY that is coming in November! We're praying lots everything goes well. I'm considered high risk because of my age and because I've had 3 c-sections already. We told the kids this week and everyone is thrilled. It's been an interesting world around us with this pandemic, but we feel so much peace about bringing a new baby into this world. When I've been throwing up in the mornings, Austin ran to Eli and said, "Mom has the covid." The boys have been asking me why I'm throwing up and rest so much on the couch. Now they know. ;)

The kids and I went on an adventure on Friday and discovered the prettiest walking path. We enjoyed it so much, we took Aaron back on Saturday afternoon. Being nature helps me breath better.

Saturday: Our day was full of surprises and lots of love. Eli's school teacher surprised him and put this cute sign in our grass. It said she misses him! Then the primary president stopped by with the cutest handout for each of the kids. THEN a member of the stake YW Presidency dropped off a cinnamon roll for me. We felt SO loved!

The rest of the day was spent doing our Saturday chores and working in the yard. We then pilled into the car and went back to the park to show Aaron the beauty of Missouri. 

Mother's Day 2020!

I felt so loved all day. The day started with Copy-Cat Kneaders French Toast and Syrup and cards!

We had a lovely sacrament meeting together where Aaron shared thoughts on the importance of women's influence. Aaron made and cleaned up all the meals today. I taught a virtual RS lesson and the attendance was small, but the spirit was so strong. I took a nap and then woke up to so many surprised on the porch from Aaron and the kids! I love flowers!

We talked to our own moms and grandmas and let them know how much we love them!

I make lots of mistakes in motherhood and I feel clueless at times, but I'm doing my best to teach my children that they are a child of God. That He loves them and hears their prayers. I'm so grateful for the happy childhood memories of my mom loving her calling as a mother and I pray my children will feel the same when they leave our nest. 

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