Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Day by Day

Eli's 5th grade teacher came and watched his basketball game! She has a family of her own and it meant a lot to him that she'd come on a Saturday evening to cheer him on. That's what I call going above and beyond as a teacher!

Eleanor found this blindfold and turned it in to a sleep mask. 

Adelaide's sunbeam teachers asked for a baby picture of her. This was when we were getting ready to leave the hospital. Why do babies grow so fast?!

Primary is the best. I love seeing my kids participate in singing time. 

The PTA hosted a fundraiser. Aaron was working late so I took the kids rollerskating. We all love it! 

The kids all got new helmets for Christmas and they look so cute and safe when they wear them. 

Eli had his last choir concert. He's been blessed with such great friends. I cried. It feels like Eli was just in kindergarten singing at his school program and here he is in 5th grade. 

I walked into the girls room and found them studying their scriptures. They highlight and scribble and mark all over the pages. I don't even care because I love the habits they're starting now as they study the scriptures. 

On Friday, we had a girls trip to a Pinners conference. We took a class about cake decorating. Eleanor also got to meet a lady that designs and sells jewelry as well as a lady that takes scripture verses and draws pictures from them. 

The girls loved every second of it. I loved the time we got to spend being together while doing something creative. 

This is the lady taught the class. 

Adelaide got to hold a puppet during singing time. My kids sing the primary songs over and over. 

Eleanor use to wear this dress that Mary Beth gave us that her girls wore. Now Adelaide wears it and I love how her pink glasses match the dress. 

Our ward is now a host ward for the Spanish speakers in our stake. There were several people who bore their testimonies in Spanish. I love that my kids got to experience seeing other people sharing their testimonies in another language. I keep feeling this, but I really need to start reading in Spanish every day. 

In the past week, I pulled up my blog to find dates that we needed from the past like when we bought our Honda Pilot in CO and when Aaron finished his master's degree. I've felt so grateful that I've been keeping a weekly blog about what our family has been doing. Sometimes it doesn't seem like much, but it really does help me look back and see the hand of the Lord in our daily lives. 

Where are Austin and Aaron this week? Somehow I don't have pictures of them on my phone. 

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