Friday, June 7, 2013

Pictures and more pictures

I guess sometimes I'm afraid I'll annoy all my friends if I post a daily picture of my baby boy on Instagram or FB. I figure if you're checking the blog it's because you also think my baby is cute and you too want to see him. :) 

Here are just a few pics from this week. 
I know, I'm a little obsessed with taking pictures of him. I can't help it!

Did you know they make flip-flops this small?! 
Darling, right?
My mom found them while she was out here at Goodwill for a buck. They fall off the second he kicks. I don't even care putting them on him over and over again. It's all about looking good! 

Baby Eli had a little Dr. appointment this week to check on a small dimple on his back. Good news! Everything looks fine. 

Did I ever mention Eli's tongue was tied when he was born? (Turns out it's hereditary. Pretty sure it comes from Aaron's side. hahah.. he has like 4 family members from his extended family that were also born with a tied tongue.) Eli's tongue was clipped when he was two weeks old and now he just loves sticking it out. When Aaron heard that a person that is tongue tied may not be able to lick a popsicle, stick out their tongue or french kiss, he wanted it clipped immediately. 

In other news, Aaron's been leaving random hearts around the house for me to find this week. He recently got a new calling at church so he's not around much. But, these little hearts make me smile. 

Happy Friday! Have a great weekend! We're headed to Philly tomorrow. I'll post pics next week. 


Alex said...

He's getting so big. Those flip flops are to die for. I can never get enough pics of the baby.

Taylor Kevan said...

Haha I love baby pictures, especially when they're of Eli! And those flip flops are darling!

Mrs. B said...

so cute!!! We love love love all the pictures you post!!!!
those are the cutest shoes!!
when will we see you again???? let's facetime this week!!!!