Eli update! As I was scrolling through pics on my phone a few weeks ago, I realized there are so many pics that I want to remember! Plus, now seems like a good time for an update on my little BFF.
104 fevers aren't fun. Poor little guy. I didn't mind the cuddles, but I hated to see him so sick. We did take him to the ER (I know, benefits of having full health care coverage as part of Aaron's military service. There are huge pros and cons to free medicare. Trust me.), so we were grateful to find out it was nothing major that a little Tylenol/Motrin couldn't fix. He was back to himself in a few days!
One of our sweet widowed neighbors, Dorothy! We love visiting her and she honestly gives Eli a toy EVERY time we visit. She'll say, "Oh, I just picked this up for Eli." She's 90!!
Spaghetti dinners always need to be documented!
Our other sweet widowed neighbor Emma brought over this chair and One Direction toy for Eli. (Eli's never going to want to leave this neighborhood.) Aaron's still cringing about the little singer. (He keeps threatening to toss it when Eli's sleeping because it's not manly enough.)
On a serious note, I snapped this pic and was starting to post this on Instagram right as I looked up to see Eli climbing out the back of the chair and he proceeded to smack his head on the cement. He cried. I cried of guilt and vowed to put my phone down instead of trying to post a cute pic of my baby.
We had a down poor a few weeks ago like I've never seen in my life. Basements in the area flooded and homes were damaged. Thankfully we were okay. Eli was begging to go outside. He thought it was a giant water park. I debated and almost let him until I heard the thunder so he enjoyed the view from the door!
Shopping for groceries is so much cooler in a race cart.
Father/son bonding time. Aaron picked up this brand new grill for $3.50 at an estate sale. He's obsessed with it and I'm obsessed with Aaron's grilling. It's a win/win really. He loves grilling. I love when he makes dinner. Eli loves being beside his dad. 3 bucks has made us a happier family!!
He's a corn on the cob eating pro.
FHE. Our lesson was about Daniel in the Lion's Den. We made a "den" and learned about Daniel and his courage to continue praying even though the king was punishing him for doing so. Aaron always does a good job of applying the lesson to our lives now and he challenged us to be like Daniel and to always have the courage to do what is right, even if everyone around us is doing otherwise. (I know this is a tiger that Eli's holding, but it's the closest thing we had to a lion!)
And finally, Eli found this hat in his drawer yesterday and wanted to wear it. We're just prepping for winter.
Almost a year ago, I started writing in a daily journal for Eli. There are times as a mom that I feel like I do the same things every day - breakfast, clean up, lunch, clean up, dinner prep, dinner, clean up, repeat.... With a daily journal, I jot down 5 fun memories of the day. After Eli goes to bed, I love reflecting on the fun memories we've done during the day and it makes being a mother all worth it. I go to bed smiling, excited to do the same thing again the next day. ;)
What a great idea for journal entries and memories!!
Oooo thanks, Mary Beth! Can't wait to see you guys. But when??!! ;)
Ahhh! The spaghetti pic and the pic with the One Direction toy are amazing!!! Those eyes and that smile!!! They make me crumble. So precious!
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