Monday, August 17, 2015

2 weeks ago

I uploaded these pics and didn't get around to posting them before we left for Utah last week! 

Eli put this cool whip container on Austin's head and then said, "Look, Mom. Hat!" I looked over and laughed and of course snapped a pic. 

We love exploring new parks with friends and this one didn't disappoint. (Well, we were disappointed when we arrived at 10 am and the water didn't turn on until 11 am, but it all worked out in the end.) 

America the Beautiful Park in downtown Colorado Springs was perfect for my little ones.

Eli said, "Look, Mom. I'm swimming." 

The highlight of the afternoon one day was seeing a tractor cutting the grass in the median. John Deere of course! 

And Austin turned 5 months old and has been practicing sitting up and eating green beans and oatmeal. Big boy!! 

After storytime, the library provides food to feed the ducks in the pond behind the library. So gorgeous. 

Once again, big man on campus. 

We planted cilantro seeds for FHE a few weeks ago along with our lesson about faith. The seeds are growing!!! Thanks Target clearance for providing cilantro in a can. 

We had multiple play dates during the week and it's cute to see little toddlers play together and get along for the most part. 

On Saturday evening entrainment. 
Bass Pro, you never get old! 
Eli still runs with excitement to the back of the store to say hi to the fish. 

The rest of the weekend Aaron did homework while the boys and I got ready for our trip to Utah! 

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