Wednesday, September 16, 2015


I didn't take too many pics last week because we spent one morning at the Social Security office (not fun and then after waiting for almost 2 hours, I was told I didn't have the right info that I needed), Austin had his 6 month appointment, and I babysat for a friend. 

We did have a relaxing Labor Day at home and then a BBQ with friends, where I didn't take any pics. 

Last Sunday I subbed for primary and the presidency gave me hugs and kisses. So nice!

Then there is a pic of our dinner on Thursday night. Aaron made taco salad while I mowed the lawn. Hahaha.. Aaron loves cooking and I love mowing the lawn so it's a win/win. 

Friday night we had a Chicago reunion with these friends! Tiff and Eric live in Denver now and Becky was in Colorado for work. I love a great night of reminiscing and crying from laughing so hard. 

Saturday morning we ran to story time at Barns and Noble. Eli loves trains these days and Austin has a special smile he gives to Aaron that I love. There was a home football game at the Academy so Aaron worked from 1 p.m. - 3 a.m. He was exhausted. 

Look at Austin sitting in this high chair acting all grown up. And, these jammies were some of my favorite on Eli so I love the memories that flow back to me as I see Austin in them. 
These little boys have my heart!

We snapped this quick pic before heading to church on Sunday.

Little baby boys! We sent this pic to their grandparents for Grandparents Day! 
(And they're wearing matching shirts!!!!)

And Austin was introduced to rice cakes last week!

And that's about all! Hope you're excited for fall like we are!

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