Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Our week

Aaron took the day off from work last Wednesday to work on a final paper that was due for school. (He's half way through his master's degree and we're already celebrating!) In an effort to give him time to get as much work done as possible, the boys and I headed to the outlets in Castle Rock for the day. Eli got a thrill out of standing on the stool to wash his hands. Kids definitely help me remember to get excited about the little things in life, like automatic faucets. :)

Thursday we had a little friend over while his mom was at the doctor. The little friend is 6 months younger than Eli, and when I told Eli lunch was ready, he ran over to me and asked, "Does that little boy want some lunch?" Little boy?! Hahaha. I laughed so hard.

Sweet dreams little one. I love peeking in on my babies during nap time and I wonder what they're dreaming about.

Austin and Eli get so excited to see each other after their naps.

Friday we spent the day at the zoo with friends. It was a perfect zoo day - not as crowded as usual because school has started around here and there was a little breeze in the air. We also met the newest lion cubs and I want one as a pet!

Austin isn't crawling yet, but he's rolling around like crazy all over the house! 

Friday night we fed the sister missionaries and Eli asked if he could sit on the barstool as Aaron and I prepared dinner. I love our little chats.

Saturday morning I went to a Relief Society service project and then Aaron made Giordano's pizza for dinner. Hands down Aaron is a better cook than me AND did you know he loves Pinterest more than me too?! That's where he found this recipe which included homemade sauce. We had a great date at our neighbor's house for a piano concert. We laughed, cried and felt spiritually uplifted. 

In striving to "Keep the Sabbath Day holy," we're constantly talking about activities that are appropriate for Sunday. Last Sunday, Eli asked if he could practice the piano. "I have a song to play for you, Mom," he said. He makes my heart melt.

1 comment:

Alex said...

So much to love about this post..the boys seeing each other, the baby cub, and my favorite baby orangutan