Monday, February 20, 2017

Love day

Pictures from my phone are how I remember all that happened last week...

Like visiting the fish after our Wal-mart shopping trip.


Making cookies in preparation for Valentine's day sugar cookies.


Valentine's Day!!! My favorite holiday!!



We hosted preschool and the boys were so excited to get Valentines from their little friends. 


Aaron sent me the prettiest flowers and love pop card. I love him. And reallllly miss him. 


We decorated cookies to deliver to boys' primary teachers and neighbors! 


Clearly little boys live here - as evident on the window! 

And this moment needed to be captured for sure. I've cried so much with Aaron being gone this time - feeling so overwhelmed at times. On this particular morning, I couldn't find Eli in preparation for our exploration day. After shouting several times and not hearing anything, I had the thought to check the car. And there he was - he put his shoes on all by himself, opened the door, and buckled his car seat. He suddenly was so grown up! It was the sweetest thing. 


We enjoyed the Pioneer Museum together. We had the whole place to ourselves and it is free to enter!





I learned the nickname for Colorado Springs is City of Sunshine. Of course it is! :) The daily sunshine is my favorite part of living here.


Cutest playroom. 







After the tour we went down the slide close a billion times that's close to our neighborhood.


The weather has been amazing. We're outside as much as possible.


Thursday night I went to the temple and it was so BRIGHT against the black sky. I felt so much peace reflecting on how each one of us can shine so bright against the wicked world around us.


Random pics: the boys made me Valentines (which got water on it) but the best part was when Eli said, "Here mom, don't throw this away." Okay, okay, so I like tossing stuff. But I have pictures to remember things, right!? ;)

And again, Eli and Logan and Gracie playing in the dog pin at Gracie's birthday party. So funny.


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