Sunday, November 12, 2017


Last week was Eli's last week of preschool. This preschool really was the perfect fit for our family - it was only 3 weeks (I didn't want Eli gone from home more than that) and while Eli was gone, Austin and I could enjoy a little one on one time before a new baby joins our family. On Monday, Austin and I went to lunch together and he was excited to share some root beer.

The only baby prep I've done is buying bows. :) I thought these were soooo cute. I'm 30 weeks along! 10 (probably more like 9) more weeks to go.

On Wednesday, Eli's last day at Monkey Buziness, I promised Austin we could stay and play. He was happy about it.

The best part was when Eli came out to play 2 times during his preschool class!

He's teachers were so great. I told Eli I hope his teachers will always say that he was "kind to his friends."

Aaron had Veteran's Day off on Friday and we enjoyed the day at home cleaning and organizing. We're hosting the Volks in Colorado this Christmas so we've been busy getting our house ready. I always love getting rid of "stuff." Haha - the boys have even started putting books, toys, clothes into piles and I over hear them say, "This is my junk pile." hahah After working all day, the boys were excited to go to Landon's birthday party at SkyZone. 

Poor Aaron just hasn't been feeling well and can't get over this cold he has. He was required to get a flu shot last week and he got it when he had the start of an illness and I think the combination made him worse. He was supposed to work on Saturday at the football game, but his boss sent him home. He went to sacrament meeting today and then came home. He did receive a priesthood blessing and we're hoping he's feeling back to normal very soon. 

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