Sunday, February 11, 2018

First week of February

I still take a nap every afternoon - Eli really has outgrown naps, but he's good to have quiet time in his room. He came in to check on us and brought some books for us to read. 

I printed out my blog into two books about our time in Colorado so far. The boys loved looking at them and have read them again and again.

Eleanor was giving Aaron some special smiles before bed time.

Teigan Benson invited the boys over to play one morning so Eleanor and I made a trip to Target. Her first trip to Target and she loved it. ;) It felt good to get out of the house for a bit.

The boys were exited to do their school work using candy hearts. 

We're enjoying the 2018 Winter Olympics over here!! Go team USA!
It's funny because Science was never one of my favorite subjects in school, but I can tell the boys are going to love it. They ask daily if we can do a science experiment. We tested which substance would make the hearts dissolve the quickest - water, lemon juice, oil and vinegar.  

Aaron ended up working Thursday night, and Friday evening and having a funeral to go to on Saturday afternoon. It snowed all day Saturday so we decided to bake heart cookies. 

Eli was so cute. On Saturday evening when I  reminded the boys that church was the next day, Eli said, "Mom, will you please come to church with us?" The first thing Eli asked me this morning was similar - "Mom, are you going to come with us to church today?" He and Austin were so excited when I said YES! Eleanor slept great last night and I've been missing church. We loved being at church together today. 

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