Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Loving November

 November has been a great month so far! Here's what last week looked like for us. 

Eleanor loves helping with the laundry. She usually pulls out all the clothes. This time I decided to put her INSIDE the empty laundry hamper and she loved it. 

We found this red power ranger costume on the Wal-mart clearance rack. It was only $6 so I let the boys buy it to add to our costume collection. Austin fell asleep wearing it and he looked sooo cute and tough!

It's great that the boys are so helpful with Eleanor. Eli fed Eleanor some applesauce while I made dinner. And here is Eli in the front seat of the car for the first time. hahah We ran our neighbor Elena to the bus stop before heading to Denver to the museum so Elena was in Eli's seat. He sat in the front seat for 1 minute and made me laugh as he asked, "How do I heat the up the seat? Where do I turn up the music?!" Silly kid!

We had the best time at the museum with Alex and her family and Grandma Donna! We love the museum and being with family!

On Saturday, the weather was sooo nice! We knew a lot of snow was coming on Sunday, so we enjoyed begin outside as much as possible! We played at the park and laughed when Austin and Eli kept falling off the edge. 

Eleanor looooooves the sunshine! We all enjoy the happiness we feel when we're outside! And I love when my babies love looking at books like this, even when it's upside down. :)

And Eli and Austin use to wear these jammies! I pulled them out for Eleanor since they're Christmas pjs and had flashbacks to Eli wearing them. They look like twins!

On Sunday we finished up our self-relience class. For the past 12 weeks, we've participated in the budgeting class. We came to love this group as we shared stories and experiences of success and failures and miracles. It truly was uplifting - it was exhausting at times to dedicate 2 hours each Sunday afternoon to this class. The Roberts in our ward were so kind and offered to take Eli and Austin home with them each week while we were in our class. I kept counting down how many classes we had left and now I'm sad it's over. I loved socializing with adults and feeling so spiritually uplifted. 

We had a potluck together on our last day of class and then all the class members gave us this basket full of gifts ranging from an outfit for Eleanor, chocolates, fruit snacks, cards, baby wash and soap. There was the sweetest note included and it made me tear up. A couple from the group that us all food storage items! We were blown away and sooo grateful for their thoughtfulness and kindness. It truly felt like how I picture Zion being some day. 

I don't think I've mentioned this in my journal - my MTC teacher, Hermano Hallows has been battling cancer for 3 years now. He has five young children and an adorable wife. I met her in the MTC when the two of them had just gotten married. Through social media, I've kept tabs on how he's doing and I've been in tears so many times as I've read his blog and seen his posts - he's dying of cancer and continues to testify of the love he feels from Heavenly Father. Oh I wish he could just magically be healed - I pray for his family and pray that they'll feel of the love and prayers of so many. He was an incredible MTC teacher and I'll never forget his testimony and how he inspired me to go out into the mission field and be my best. 

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