Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Feeling Grateful

Second week of February. Here are some fun pictures I want to remember about the week. 

Eleanor loves climbing to the top of the stairs over and over again. Our neighbor, Deb, gave Eleanor this sweet lamb that she loves to cuddle. 

Everyone has been so thoughtful while Aaron is away and has dropped off lots and lots of treats. Why sugar?! I love sugar, but I don't need it. A friend delivered this cookie that was decorated like Monsters Ink.

Hugs and hugs all day long.

Eli was the reverence start in his primary class last week. It's a class full of little boys and his teachers are trying to find creative ways to teach the kids to "be reverent." Eli was excited he was selected. Hopefully he'll have good reverent habits from here on out. :)

After school one day, we had a library trip. And I snapped this picture because there were a few moments of quietness in our home as the boys listened to their audio books.

Eleanor loves her toes and I love how she places her feet on her high chair at every meal.

Love finding these little pictures on my phone when I look at my pictures from the week!

Another after school activity: we went and practiced basketball at the gym. Eli is loving basketball season right now.

Eli's teacher had the best idea. Two weeks before Valentine's Day, she provided valentines to the students to fill out for each classmate. Eli didn't realize he was practicing his handwriting and phonograms as we took the time to write valentines each day. It was such a thoughtful idea.

The weekend before Valentine's Day, we had a little party with our friends. We had crafts and muffins. The boys loved setting up the craft table!

After the party, the boys went and played at the Mill's home while Eleanor and I got the oil changed in the car and grabbed some groceries. The boys are now obsessed with 4 wheelers. 

This made me laugh - Eleanor was playing laser guns with the boys. 

And here's cute Eleanor at church. Alex gave us this dress and we get lots of compliments when she wares it.

There are hard moments during motherhood and being a single mom right now. I get frustrated and exhausted and overwhelmed - but there are beautiful moments as well. I'm feeling so grateful that I get to be a stay at home mom. I cry every time this song comes on the radio - "You're going to miss this. You're going to want this back. You're going to wish these days, hadn't gone by so fast. These are some good times. So take a good look around you. You may not know it now, but you're going to miss this!"

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