Sunday, December 22, 2019

Snow Days

A snow storm last Sunday resulted in the canceling of school for Eli and work for Aaron on MONDAY! I was sooo grateful for the day to be at home and be together. I intended to not pack so much into December and before I knew it, so much was going on and we were all exhausted. I felt like the snow days were a tender mercy from heaven. Aaron went back to work on Tuesday, but Eli had another snow day so we got to spend another day together! I'm so grateful for those memories. I gave the kids all haircuts, including Eleanor's FIRST one! She looks so big!

Eli painted this sled and I was so impressed with how it turned out!

On Wednesday we were all excited to go exploring in the city - we went to Union Station twice. We met our ward friends at the Crown Center to see Santa and then walked over to Union Station to ride the train. 

After school, we hopped in the car again to head back to Union Station. I had reserved free tickets to see the Santa Train that arrived. We quickly greeted Santa (for some reason Eleanor cried this time even though she had already seen a different Santa that morning) and then we toured the Christmas train.

Lucky for us, our pass to Science City allows the kids to ride the Santa train for free. So they rode it again that day! As we waited in line, I heard the lady running the ride tell a boy that he was too tall to ride the train this year. I realized that my kids are growing each year too and before long they won't all be able to ride things like this all together! 

I can't remember if I included this already so just in case. Cute Eli's 1st grade school picture. 

On Thursday we delivered potpourri to our friends. Here is Austin running and dropping off a gift to our friends. He was a helpful Elf this year. :) We also stopped by Chick-fil-a to grab gift cards for Eli's teacher and bus driver. Austin asked if we could eat lunch there too and when I noticed I had a coupon for a free sandwich, I couldn't resist. Obviously we grabbed a peppermint chocolate chip shake tooooo. Those are my favorite. I then went to Eli's class party and Austin and Eleanor played at a friend's house. I also received a gift from Teigan from Colorado. I cried when the package was on my doorstep - it was a candle from Anthropology (an expensive store I usually don't shop at unless it's for this candle scent I love haha). I'm so grateful for kind friends that brighten my day even hundreds of miles away.

On Friday morning I was able to run and grab a few last minute things from Wal-mart while Austin and Eleanor had a playdate. My friend from church organized a babysitting swap every Friday and it's been nice for the kids to have something to look forward to and then I can get a few things done myself. We then ran to the library for a story time playdate with a friend that invited us from the neighborhood. I felt like I didn't have a lot of extra time to squeeze in a trip to the library that day, but I was grateful for this new friend to reach out and arrange for us to do something together. Eli got out of school early on Friday and we spent the rest of the day cleaning and preparing for my in-laws to arrive on Saturday evening. 

Saturday morning Austin and Eleanor had a gymnastic performance! They did so great! I love watching my kids participate in something new. They've both gained confidence and enjoyed showing Eli and Aaron all their new tricks. 

They even got a medal!! We celebrated lunch together and the kids kept saying it was so fun to have Aaron with us!

Christmas Sunday is a highlight of the year for sure!

And when Grandma and Grandpa Volk knocked on the door Saturday evening, we were all excited to see them!

The weather is sunny today so we went on a long walk and delivered gifts to our neighbors!

We've received Christmas cards in the mail and I love hearing from friends and family near and far. This snippet from a card made me tear up:

While we struggle and fail more days than not, 
Remember, God knows us and that's more than a nice thought. 

He is in all the people you see every day,
Who lift you and help you and show you the way! - Krissi Mill

I've felt God's love so much from wonderful people around me who brighten my day.

This week is Christmas and we can't even wait!!!!

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