Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Continued time at home...

On Sunday evening, we were excited to realize we had all the ingredients needed for mango and sticky rice! This was Aaron's best attempt yet! It was delicious. 

During my scripture study, I cried when I read this verse about always trusting in Heavenly Father. 

On Monday evening the weather was warm so we decided to have hot dogs and s'mores for dinner. Everyone cheered.

The days are all running together so I don't remember the exact day that we went out to Grandma and Grandpa's property, but it was refreshing for us all. Being in nature is always great for our souls. The boys practiced fishing. They didn't catch anything, but a few sticks, but they had fun casting. Eleanor asked where her pink fishing pole was. Aaron told her she doesn't have one, yet...

I woke up early and walked to the temple. I loved seeing the sunrise. I always have my headphones in and this time, I needed the quite moments to ponder life. When I arrived at the temple, I smiled seeing all the beautiful flowers and blossoming trees. Oh how we miss being able to worship in the temple. I felt so happy being on the temple grounds that during the afternoon, I insisted that we walk over as a family. 

Homeschooling is getting better and better each week as we get the hang of it. I love teaching my kids. They're stubborn, but also diligent learners. 

I found a recipe for Girl Scout Samoa cookies. Aaron loves me because he spent 1.5 hrs making them. They were delicious! I love Aaron more for making them! The kids were happy when we shared the next day, as evident with Eleanor's chocolate smile. 

We've completed three puzzles together so far. The boys are getting better and better at them. Eleanor loves tossing and chewing on the pieces. 

On Friday night we had a zoom call with the Volks. We chatted until midnight. It was fun to laugh and catch up with everyone. I don't stay up that late any more so I was exhuasted!

GENERAL CONFERENCE!! Oh we loved it so much. I cried in multiple talks as I was reminded of the amazing blessing it is to have the restored gospel on the earth today. We love our dear Prophet, President Nelson. Last conference he said this conference would be "memorable and unforgettable" and it definitely was. Because of the virus, there were no members sitting in the congregation. The Tabernacle choir didn't sing live music, but the music ended up turning out GREAT. Music was pre-recorded and some songs were taken from previous General Conference sessions. I felt inspired to be more purposeful in sharing the gospel. So many times I give myself credit for being kind to others, which I know counts for being a missionary, but I want to make sure I'm helping light the path for others to come unto Christ. 

I'm grateful we live in a time that technology made it possible for us to still be able to participate in General Conference in our homes. 

I cried when the Prophet announced a temple in BAHIA BLANCA! I immediately started texting mission companions and sending messages to members in Argentina! My life was changed as I saw the sacrifices members made in my mission to attend the temple - saving up to attend once a year or even every other year. They'd save their pennies to be able to buy a bus ticket so they could get to the temple. I'm excited for the members there to have a temple so much closer to them. I hope we can visit for the temple open house one day!! 


Oh, Aaron did make conference cinnamon rolls!

When conference was over, I told Aaron, "I feel so happy now." Conference was the perfect lift me up that my spirit needed, especially right now. 

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