Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Sweet, sweet summer time.

This week we found out the gender of our new baby: A GIRL is joining our family in November! Yay! I brought home donuts with pink frosting after my appointment to share the news with the kids! We're so excited! Now we have to think of baby girl names! The twin in me loves that each of my children will have a makeshift twin. :)

We visited the zoo with our free coupon. The weather was on the cooler side that morning so the animals were extra alert. 

We had a great time!

This picture is to show how much the boys are helping around the house these days - They started their laundry then put the clothes into the dryer. They even remembered to pull out their shirts that didn't need to be in the dryer. The boys are become more and more helpful. I'm so grateful for their help, especially now while I'm pregnant! 

We miss visiting the library so we went on an adventure to Barns and Noble where each kid got to pick out a new book!

Eleanor was quiet in my bathroom one afternoon and then came out with my mascara on her face. She actually did manage to get some on her eye lashes! She's a funny girl for sure. 

The boys are participating in the Book It program sponsored by Pizza Hut. Aaron and I participated in this reading program when we were kids so it's fun to see the boys having a turn at getting rewarded for reading books!

Aaron trimmed the tree in the front yard and then the boys cleaned up the clippings. Austin made me laugh when I saw him carrying this branch that was taller than him. 

And baby bump! Here I am at 20 weeks! Half. Way. There! Yay!

We tried to take a picture with a timer before going off to church. Ha ha! 

I love this family of mine and love this period in my life. So many times I'd dream about being married and motherhood and here I am - living the best dream ever. 

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