Sunday, August 2, 2020

Swimming all summer

I don't have a ton of pictures from this week. I'm feeling extra tired these days with this pregnancy. Here's what our week looked like:

I gave the boys haircuts. 
Austin's glasses broke last week and we were finally able to get his new frames ordered. 

Austin was proud that he killed this fly!!

The boys have been taking swim lessons. There is a high school girl in the neighborhood that is on the high school swim team and she's been teaching the boys lessons. It's amazing to me how much they've learned just by having her tell them simple ways to improve their swimming. Maybe next summer they'll swim on a team. 

We were able to attend church today!! Here are the kids in their masks. They'll be required to wear them for school so church has been great practice for them. I think about how much the pioneers suffered to be able to worship so wearing a mask doesn't seem like that big of a deal when we think about the pioneers. 

Church is only 45 min and there is no socializing or extra classes. Today Eleanor saw her nursery teacher as we walked into the chapel. When sacrament meeting was over, she said, "Bye dad. Time for nursery!" When we told her she wasn't going to go to nursery today, she started sobbing. We're all looking forward to the time when we're able to go to all of our church meetings. 

Family walk. We enjoyed a stroll around the neighborhood. Aaron has been following the boys on their bikes as he walks with Eleanor in the hiking backpack. She loves it so much! (When I showed Aaron this cute picture, he said to write in my journal that he knows he is suppose to collapse the stand at the bottom of the carrier. He just forgot to. Ha!)

And here we are! A new month. It's August! I can't believe it. This year has been so slow and yet so fast all at the same time. School starts in a few weeks (maybe?). Our baby will be here in 3 months. Here's to enjoying the summer days as much as possible!

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