Monday, August 17, 2020

Weekly report

 My pictures posted out of order this week.

Saturday night: We swam and then finished up the chapters in Alma for our Come Follow Me study. Eleanor looked cute snuggling up to Aaron. 

Friday: We cleaned all morning and then swam at our friends' pool. Swimming is our favorite past time. 

Eleanor loves her new unicorn shoes from Wal-mart! 

We went to Costco and the kids got a kick out of these skeletons that were wearing masks! I can't believe Halloween decorations are out right now.  

The boys completed reading 10 books so they had a coupon for $3 off of frozen yogurt. They were delighted when I suggested we go and get yogurt for an afternoon snack. 

Monday: our FHE lesson was about the 2,000 stripling warriors. We gathered all the Lego people we could find and acted out the story. I pray my children will say that their mother taught them to never doubt and to be brave and obedient. 

More swimming at our neighborhood pool! The boys finished up their swimming lessons. They've improved so much! I say this all the time, but I'm grateful our pool opened up this summer. It's been a highlight of our summer. 

And our little tomato plant has produced a few tomatoes. The kids love spotting the red tomatoes and brining them in the house for me to eat. 

I left my phone at Wal-mart this week. When we got to the car, I realized my phone was missing and I knew exactly where I had set it - in the men's department by the pants. I was looking up Aaron's size that I had written in my phone to buy him some new pants. We all put our masks back on and we went inside the store to see if I could find my phone. I was devastated of my mistake and had a prayer in my heart that we would find it. When we got to the men's section, I couldn't see my phone. We went back to the register where we had checked out and I asked the lady at the register if I had left my phone. She hadn't seen it and then a lady at the checkout line said she would call my phone for me. We hurried back to the men's department and I couldn't hear my phone. I was so grateful for the lady's help in offering to call my phone. We got in line for the returns/help desk and the line was so long. I told the kids, "If the line is this long, I doubt anyone would stand in this line just to return my phone." Eli replied, 'Well mom, maybe the line wasn't this long when someone returned it." I was grateful for his encouragement. Austin was supportive too and even Eleanor kept talking about saying a prayer. 

I was relieved when we got to the front of the line and I was told someone had just turned in a phone - it was mine! I told the kids multiple times that I was so grateful for honest people and that Heavenly Father heard my little prayer that day. 

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